English expat in Malta
Forum posts
About me
English, Married
Lives in Ix-Xewkija
Registration: 21 April 2016

Moving Together - Changing Address on Maltese ID Card by mustirik
Hi, I just changed my apartment and moved in with my girlfriend. I need to update my address on my ID card because I will apply for a driving license soon. On Identity Malta website, the procedure is explained as follows: Holders of residence card ...

OK, a Gozo version. as of last week. Take your new lease document, Passport. The ladies filled forms for us. Given white Receipt and we retained old e-residency cards till new arrives. That was it, took 10 minutes. Ray Read More

Formalities to close PostaPay&Save account by Kostya_k
Hi Guys, I've got a question to those of you who have used and successfully closed the Malta Post's PostaPay&Save account. I've thoroughly read the T&C of PostaPay service; however, it's still quite unclear to me - how do I ...

Just go to post office with your card, id etc and ask them to close the account. They will send you a cheque for any balance you may have.I should have added that I went to the main PO in Victoria, Gozo. They will almost certainly make phone calls ... Read More

Formalities to close PostaPay&Save account by Kostya_k
Hi Guys, I've got a question to those of you who have used and successfully closed the Malta Post's PostaPay&Save account. I've thoroughly read the T&C of PostaPay service; however, it's still quite unclear to me - how do I ...

Just go to post office with your card, id etc and ask them to close the account. They will send you a cheque for any balance you may have. Read More

state pension UK/malta by gavherb
Im currently working in malta do i still need to pay Uk National insurance to still receive my state pension when i come to retirement age ? someone told me i have to pay UK national Insurance but i have also been told the malta National insurance ...

I've been doing it for nearly 2 years now... that is relying on state pension.We have as well plus three very small pensions.Oh, I forgot my private pension.... £26.00 per year. :) Read More

Landlords refusing form H by StaceyMadeleine
Has anyone had experience with landlords refusing form h to get the residential rate for electric which is much cheaper? They claim if I leave without telling them (as if they wouldnt know??) and electric is turned off they have to pay 600€ to ...

Our landlady came round after the first bill with Form H and got copies of our ID's, sorted, no charge, job done. Probably the easiest formality we've undertaken. Read More

state pension UK/malta by gavherb
Im currently working in malta do i still need to pay Uk National insurance to still receive my state pension when i come to retirement age ? someone told me i have to pay UK national Insurance but i have also been told the malta National insurance ...

I've been doing it for nearly 2 years now... that is relying on state pension. Read More

Landlords refusing form H by StaceyMadeleine
Has anyone had experience with landlords refusing form h to get the residential rate for electric which is much cheaper? They claim if I leave without telling them (as if they wouldnt know??) and electric is turned off they have to pay 600€ to ...

I thought the huge deposit was if the service was put in tenants name, there is no deposit for registering number of residents as the bill is still sent to landlord. Read More

TIN (tax identification number) for economic self sufficency by GuestPoster85
Hello to everyone.. I'm italian and soon i will ask residence in Malta as an economic self sufficency (form j). I need to ask a tin (tax identification number) but actually i know that tin is ''included'' in the social security ...

You can only get a tin number if you are employed. If you are coming as a self sufficient you do not need one .hope this is helpful to youI'm self sufficient and I have a TIN. Basically if you have any income you need one. Read More

considering Malta? here's my honest recap after 5+ years by scareglow
Every experience is different of course, but after 5+ years and knowing a lot of expats from all over the world this is what you have to expect: - expect racism if you're from Scandinavia or look Scandinavian. The locals tend to blame rising ...

My house is fully double glazed and all that but it is a HOC and airy etc. Underfloor heating for kitchen and lounge can run to 1k for 3 months. You can go on for a very long time and list the savings - different for everyone but for me who kept ... Read More

considering Malta? here's my honest recap after 5+ years by scareglow
Every experience is different of course, but after 5+ years and knowing a lot of expats from all over the world this is what you have to expect: - expect racism if you're from Scandinavia or look Scandinavian. The locals tend to blame rising ...

Winters here are not cold and wet compared to other countries, even in winter we do not wear thick coats, hats and scarves and as for drying washing mine dries perfectly in winter. The bus service here on Gozo is very good and reliable and the app ... Read More

Collection of Residence ID Card by BlueOctupus
Hi, A few weeks ago now I received a letter stating that I should collect my ID card from the E-ID cards office in Victoria, Gozo. The other day I had a clear up in my house, but I think I've accidentally thrown my letter in the ...

Given that, according to law, non-Maltese EU / EEA / Swiss citizens must be issued with an ‘e-Residence Card’ (Registration Certificate) INSTANTLY upon presentation of the requisite personal documentation to the competent national ... Read More

Malta ? by ianrichards
I came to Malta last year with an impression of a country needing to catch up with the rest of Europe. Business, Technology and the property market. What a shock when i arrived. Gaming Companies flocking to Malta, Financial institutions, Fintech, ...

I certainly agree with your opening paragraph, but not sure on the rest. There is more to life than gambling and bitcoin and one day when the bubble bursts, where will Malta be then. Infrastructure is poor, corruption rife. Europe has nothing to ... Read More

cheapest pay as you go card with long validity? by MarcelMarcelMarcel
Hi, I'm looking for payasyougo/prepaid card with long validity. I'm moving to Malta next week and for school of my daughter and for entitlementunit and probibly for many other things I need a Maltese mobile number. I will use this numer just ...

I seem to remember walking into a small store in Rabat (Malta) and buying a GO SIM for €10 which gave me €10 credit. I'm also not aware of any expiry time on the card. Read More

Electricty bill / Landlord by GustaveLeBon
Hi, only recently moved to Malta and got a quick question regarding electricity bill. Our house has an individual elec meter but is not registered in my name at the request of the landlord. We pay every month a fee on top of the rent and rougly ...

Ask your landlord for a copy of the actual bill / bills for the last 6 months. Whilst the landlord may not let you have the bill in your name you should ask him to register the number of occupants at the property, you'll need e-residency cards ... Read More