American looking for information about Vietnam
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Hanoi, Ha Noi
Registration: 04 August 2016

My kingdom for a lemon! by Zepo
In Hanoi...coop mart, Big C, Metro, Vinmart, Circle K, the street. Can you just not buy a lemon here or what? Zep--

@Zep, your kingdom for a lemon, but not a ride across town? I've had a similar experience in Brazil. No lemons, nothing but limes, some of which they call lemons. For what I was told there was a plague that destroyed all lemon trees. I finally ... Read More

Toughest decision of my life by Allanmta
Hi, i was living in hcmc for 8 months last year on a leave of absence . I returned home to Toronto, Canada becuase i had to deal with some personal stuff. Its been 6 months since i left vietnam. I miss asia and love vietnam. Iam in my late 30s and ...

Sorry guys, but with all due respect, what can any of you tell/ teach someone that has lived 8 out of the last 14 months in HCMC? Allan you are almost 40 years old and with your recent experience of Vietnam, you still searching for ... Read More

Dating in HCMC - is this normal or am I being scammed? by BT1989
Hi, expat from Australia checking in. Recently moved to HCMC as a single guy, with that being the case obviously active on the dating scene. Still trying to get my head around all he customs/etiquette but I'm getting there. I have an account on ...

@BT1989 WOW!!! You met a beautiful woman, via a dating site, you had a good time, she was friendly, honest, English speaking, that as dated expats, none worked out and that now wants a long term relationship. Boy, that's a problem I hope to ... Read More

Cheap food! At what cost?
I've traveled and lived in countries, with similar conditions to Vietnam, thought I've never been to Vietnam but (still) planning to retire there. I make a point of eating where the plain folk eat. Food safety has been a subject that keeps ... Read More

For rental: brandnew car with private driver by Tamnguyen79
Hi all, Need to rent a car to travel around or just for business purpose with a friendly/ english speaking driver for a low budget? Pls contact me: tamnguyen9239@gmail.com. Or call me for any questions. +84.942714279 Thanks, Tam

THIGV I couldn't agree more. Relegating posts to classified ads is a keen to throw them in the waste basket. On a similar vein off thread posts contain information that would be helpful to other expats. Exsizing those only throws away that ... Read More

Insight into VN Culture as a Westerner Dating a Vietnamese Woman? by sdmoi
Hi. This is my first post on expat and I'm here because I feel like I'm screwing up sometimes with my girlfriend and generally want to hear from others with experience dating across cultures. I've only been living in Saigon two months ...

Bazza I've not read the book but I can surmise where it would end up. The "downside" of opening up is that we may not be able to fool the one we are with, please read as (fool ourselves), but when we would " click" with ... Read More

Insight into VN Culture as a Westerner Dating a Vietnamese Woman? by sdmoi
Hi. This is my first post on expat and I'm here because I feel like I'm screwing up sometimes with my girlfriend and generally want to hear from others with experience dating across cultures. I've only been living in Saigon two months ...

The reason for this forum is for expats to help expats. Even if lovingit was 100% accurate it still would beg the question if his post was helpful or not. Dash doesn't think so and neither does quite a few of us. That the post was offensive, ... Read More

Insight into VN Culture as a Westerner Dating a Vietnamese Woman? by sdmoi
Hi. This is my first post on expat and I'm here because I feel like I'm screwing up sometimes with my girlfriend and generally want to hear from others with experience dating across cultures. I've only been living in Saigon two months ...

Bazza touche I was definitely guilty of jumping to conclusions myself. But possibility one, OK, but to build on that possibility and draw another possibility it's one possibility too many, both with the same intent, to denegrade Dash's ... Read More

Insight into VN Culture as a Westerner Dating a Vietnamese Woman? by sdmoi
Hi. This is my first post on expat and I'm here because I feel like I'm screwing up sometimes with my girlfriend and generally want to hear from others with experience dating across cultures. I've only been living in Saigon two months ...

Colin aside the fact that you jumped to conclusions the question remains the same. Are all "working girls" the same? It must have never happened before, bar girl marries and is a great mother and wife. Not possible right? Just because they ... Read More

Insight into VN Culture as a Westerner Dating a Vietnamese Woman? by sdmoi
Hi. This is my first post on expat and I'm here because I feel like I'm screwing up sometimes with my girlfriend and generally want to hear from others with experience dating across cultures. I've only been living in Saigon two months ...

Lovingit claims not to be a troll that he just speaks his mind, whether anyone else minds that, doesn't seem to be a concern. Aside from venting his (her?) frustrations what was the point of the post? All Vietnamese men are all alike? All ... Read More

Insight into VN Culture as a Westerner Dating a Vietnamese Woman? by sdmoi
Hi. This is my first post on expat and I'm here because I feel like I'm screwing up sometimes with my girlfriend and generally want to hear from others with experience dating across cultures. I've only been living in Saigon two months ...

Dash I've never been to Asia, but I've been around folks with Asian background. If I may generalize in the West it's primarily boy and girl relationship. In Asia is more like boy and girl and her whole family with all the ramifications ... Read More

How cheap is cheap? by Havaianu
What is the cost of the following items, the cheapest price that the expats pay for. Rice, beef, coffee, sugar, milk, eggs, fish and cheese. It can be in pounds or kilos, USD or Vietnamese dong. Prices in Ha Noi or HCMC more important or any city in ...

Loicfarge thanks again. Y've been very helpful thanks. Read More

How cheap is cheap? by Havaianu
What is the cost of the following items, the cheapest price that the expats pay for. Rice, beef, coffee, sugar, milk, eggs, fish and cheese. It can be in pounds or kilos, USD or Vietnamese dong. Prices in Ha Noi or HCMC more important or any city in ...

Loicfarge perfect, thanks for going straight to the point. French haute cuisine is my favorite food. I was hoping that the French had had some influence on the Vietnamese cuisine but from what I see to understand, from searching the net, street ... Read More

Teaching English in Hue by NickyQL
Hello members, I would be interested to chat with any members who have taught/are teaching English as a second language in Hue. I've had a job offer. Thanks.

Rick, if I may impose on you, either here or by PM could you tell me why Hue over HCMC? I'm considering moving to VN, Hue is a very likely place, so your views on both cities would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Read More

How cheap is cheap? by Havaianu
What is the cost of the following items, the cheapest price that the expats pay for. Rice, beef, coffee, sugar, milk, eggs, fish and cheese. It can be in pounds or kilos, USD or Vietnamese dong. Prices in Ha Noi or HCMC more important or any city in ...

Loicfarge if it is not too personal of a question, may I ask what is your food expense monthly? I'm hoping to spend around $300 USD per month. Is this realistic? Maybe I should add another $100 just for cheese. Can't live without my bread ... Read More