


Irish looking for information about Malta

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Registration: 17 August 2016


charmender replied to a thread
7 years ago

Options to obtain a car for a non-EU driver in Malta by dzakarta

I've been trying to sort out what to do in Malta without a EU license. It is a little bit confusing. so I need your help to sort it out please... You can drive up to 12 months with a non-EU license, then you have to get a Maltese/EU driving ...


It could be because you just called on the phone.y husband went in person and he doesn't remember the name of the person but he said they really didn't make an issue about him not having an eu license. Maybe try in person they might be more ... Read More

charmender created a thread
7 years ago

Why did you decide to permanently stay in Malta

So we have been in Malta for over 7 months now. There is a culture shock theory which explains most peoples feelings when they live abroad. At first you feel great and everything looks great. Then you start to see problems and then you really start ... Read More

charmender replied to a thread
7 years ago

Options to obtain a car for a non-EU driver in Malta by dzakarta

I've been trying to sort out what to do in Malta without a EU license. It is a little bit confusing. so I need your help to sort it out please... You can drive up to 12 months with a non-EU license, then you have to get a Maltese/EU driving ...


Mapfre Malta in Gzira Read More

charmender replied to a thread
7 years ago

Options to obtain a car for a non-EU driver in Malta by dzakarta

I've been trying to sort out what to do in Malta without a EU license. It is a little bit confusing. so I need your help to sort it out please... You can drive up to 12 months with a non-EU license, then you have to get a Maltese/EU driving ...


Why don't you just buy a second hand car? My husband is a non EU citizen and that is what he did. Second hand car prices are cheap. He had a problem getting insurance from one company because of his license but he went to another one and they ... Read More

charmender replied to a thread
7 years ago

Best neighborhood to live by ssiqueira

Brazilian greetings! I am Samuel, an Applied Mathematician, soon to move from Brazil to Malta, for work purposes. It will be my wife, our newborn baby and myself. Sure 'best neighborhood to live' is a very relative approach. The office is ...


It is best to come and see. We tried the same approach researching everything before we came, and although that is good a lot of the info online is outdated. Especially the prices of homes. Do not check the real estate agency websites and think the ... Read More

charmender replied to a thread
7 years ago

Plants in Sliema by senti

Hello! :) I'm looking to buy some outdoor plants for my balcony and would like to buy them locally in Sliema because we don't have a car. Does anybody have any go-to places they like to buy them here in Sliema?


I don't know about Sliema but just down the road in Gzira there is a flower shop which sell plants for balconies. I've bought a few from there and they are not expensive. It is called Central Florist & Pet Store and it is beside the Fish ... Read More

charmender replied to a thread
7 years ago

Non-EU spouse of a Non-EU Work Permit by dzakarta

Hello everyone, I was wondering if someone knows do the non-EU spouses of non-EU citizens with a work permit get a work permit too? Are the non EU spouses allowed to work upon receiving the residence permit? If not, do they have any advantages when ...


I am not really sure because my situation is different as an EU citizen with a non EU citizen spouse. However, I would presume that as you are both non EU citizens, you do not derive any right from your spouse to work or live here and that your ... Read More

charmender replied to a thread
8 years ago
Topo Georgi

Opening a bank account in Malta by Topo Georgi

Hi, I know this topic has already been discussed, but I do have some specific questions and any help would be much appreciated. We are due to be moving to Malta at the end of this month and we need to know exactly what documents would be required by ...


I've been to all banks since I moved here to figure out which one is the best. Banif Bank wanted me to have a savings account in order to open a deposit account. They told me I would have add money to the savings account each month and it ... Read More

charmender replied to a thread
8 years ago

Common misconceptions and clichés about life in Malta by Priscilla

Hello everyone, Old clichés die hard, as the saying goes... and living in Malta can generate lots of misconceptions in the eyes of the people. What are the most common misconceptions about the expat lifestyle in Malta? What are the most ...


I think the biggest misconception could be the language. I expected people to speak English a lot more than they actually do. Its hard to integrate with the locals especially if you work. They speak Maltese with each other all the time. Read More

charmender replied to a thread
8 years ago

Where do you shop for best value? by charmender

So I have only been here a while and I am wondering where people shop. I have been to The Towers which I find expensive. Plus I hate the layout, like why are fruit and veg down the very bottom floor! (Obviously a marketing technique but annoying). ...


Yes for the people with a car you are lucky. I definitely need to make a trip to the farmers market this Saturday actually as I have heard good things about it. To be honest I don't find the local vegetable shops to be cheap and sometimes the ... Read More

charmender created a thread
8 years ago

Where do you shop for best value?

So I have only been here a while and I am wondering where people shop. I have been to The Towers which I find expensive. Plus I hate the layout, like why are fruit and veg down the very bottom floor! (Obviously a marketing technique but annoying). ... Read More

charmender replied to a thread
8 years ago

Article on Maltese opinion of silence by felinefine81

I read this article today and it stood out to me because of the issues I'm having while trying to get used to the noise here. ...


I think it is a Mediterranean thing. After living in Turkey, I find it's quite similar. But yes to hear builders starting work at 7am is annoying. And its difficult to keep the windows closed in this weather! I live just beside one apartment ... Read More

charmender replied to a thread
8 years ago

cosmetics in malta by charmender

Hi, Does anyone know where I can buy facial wash in Malta like nivea brand etc and other cosmetics like body cream. I am looking for a shop similar to Boots in UK/Ireland but can't see to find a similar one here? Pharmacies in Ireland sell ...


Thanks for all your tips! Actually was browsing through a chinese bits and bobs shop yesterday in gzira and came across the 'simple' brand face wash. Was delighted because this is the one I use. Sometimes you find what you are looking for ... Read More

charmender replied to a thread
8 years ago

yarn shop, knitting club in Malta by pevi

We are moving soon and I would like to know if anyone knows a yarn shop in Malta? My internet search so far has failed me. Also is there a knitting club or anyone would be interested starting one? I am a stay at home mum of two and I have some ...


I know this is an old thread but for anyone interested I came across this: Read More

charmender replied to a thread
8 years ago

cosmetics in malta by charmender

Hi, Does anyone know where I can buy facial wash in Malta like nivea brand etc and other cosmetics like body cream. I am looking for a shop similar to Boots in UK/Ireland but can't see to find a similar one here? Pharmacies in Ireland sell ...


A lot of you mentioned smart, where exactly is that? I am living in Sliema so if its nearby that would be great. Read More