Monacan looking for information about Philippines
Forum posts
About me
Monacan, Single
Speaks French English
Registration: 04 September 2016

How much will it cost to build a house? by dimplesz14
Hi there, please advice - we're wondering how much would it cost to build a 120sqm house with 3-4BR and 2BA (bungalow/ranch style) doesn't need to be expensive but decent/strong enough materials to live for many many years. I just want to ...

Dimples, on my Facebook page I have been posting the progress videos of my house as it is being built. I started with just a shell and lot... cost P470,000,00. I showed from start to present... Upon completion it will be a 3bdr + a Master's ... Read More

Housing Is it better to build or buy by drkicks
We have not decided where to live as yet. We are tossing between Iloilo, Bacolod, San Fernando La Unoin or Dumaguete . Is it better to build or buy. I do not want a two story house as I am getting a bit long in the tooth for the stairs all the ...

Hi It's better to build your house , but you HAVE TO STAY and follow the construction !! Don't leave until the end , otherwise you will have some surprise... You have to check the constructions as much as possible. Or if you don't have ... Read More

Buy a car for y months in philippines. by Crocken
I would like to buy a small car for a 6 month stay in philippines...like a Honda city. ..I will be living in samar...but maybe better to find a car in manila ..or angeles...or cebu ?? Any ideas guys ? So many Web sitest but all look old and over ...

OLX.ph it's the website, venture it's one kind of car I recommend you this one because it's good quality and cheap Read More

Buying land in Philippines by boriloco
As long as I can remember forigners can't buy land,but recently someone told me a new law has been passed,does anyone have more information about this law and it's details?

Hi You can buy a condominium, a house and you can't own the land but you can do a leasing for 50 years and make a bisness, build a house (on your name) ... Read More

Buy a car for y months in philippines. by Crocken
I would like to buy a small car for a 6 month stay in philippines...like a Honda city. ..I will be living in samar...but maybe better to find a car in manila ..or angeles...or cebu ?? Any ideas guys ? So many Web sitest but all look old and over ...

OLX.ph sorry Read More

Buy a car for y months in philippines. by Crocken
I would like to buy a small car for a 6 month stay in philippines...like a Honda city. ..I will be living in samar...but maybe better to find a car in manila ..or angeles...or cebu ?? Any ideas guys ? So many Web sitest but all look old and over ...

OLX try to get one venture , very nice car 9 seat around 150000php Read More

How to make friends in the Philippines by expat.com
We have been talking about loneliness when you are abroad, let's now talk about how to make friends (locals and other expats) when you're living in the Philippines :top: Which are your best tips to meet people and to make friends in the ...

Hello Easy : You need 3 things -1 table - some seat - 15 red horse Put the seat around the table and all the red horse on the middle of he table , and wait 😂😂😝 Read More

where to live by jgconley
Hi, this is my fist post. Im currently living in Angeles City but im considering moving later this year. Im looking for advice on the best place to settle(at least one year). At the moment im paying 13k for a furnished one bedroom apartment? Whichh ...

Hi You can try Puerto Galera but it's not a city Read More