@Peter D L
Australian looking for information about Peru
34 posts
About me
Australian, Married
Lives in Lima, Lima
Speaks English
Registration: 03 February 2017
Having problems to open a bank account in Peru by gropegrass
Hi everyone! My name is Jaco. I am 24 years old. I am from Hong Kong. I will be studying spanish in Lima in Sptember. I am freaking out right now, because I am told that as a foreigner, you cannot open a bank account. So how can i provide the proof ...
How did you go Jaco ? Just curious. :-) Peter. Read More
bank account in peru by Nero92
Hello , I am leaving my country to Peru forever therefor i want to close all my bank accounts before i leave is there is a way to open a bank account in Peru from distance to transfer my savings before i leave my country? Thank you
G'day Pistachio, Just to give you some feedback on my earlier concerns on taking money to Peru. Since we last "spoke", I/we were given information on a foreign exchange compamy here is Aussie, by our travel agent who also has ... Read More
non-visa for tourist from philippines by mamanizev05
the consulate of peru in the philippines, told me that we don't need any visa to travel in peru as a tourist, just a round-trip ticket, so what papers do we need to prepare to get there. thank you so much.
I would suggest that you have appropriate vaccinations, like yellow fever & hepatitis shots. Depending on which area of Peru that you may visit, also a course of malaria tablets would be wise...check with your local doctor before you go. Read More
Having problems to open a bank account in Peru by gropegrass
Hi everyone! My name is Jaco. I am 24 years old. I am from Hong Kong. I will be studying spanish in Lima in Sptember. I am freaking out right now, because I am told that as a foreigner, you cannot open a bank account. So how can i provide the proof ...
G'day Jaco, I suggest that you take Travel Money Card(s) with you which you can use at various ATMs in Peru. Depending on your card provider, you can load quite a substantial amount of money, but it will have to be US$'s. You can take your ... Read More
bank account in peru by Nero92
Hello , I am leaving my country to Peru forever therefor i want to close all my bank accounts before i leave is there is a way to open a bank account in Peru from distance to transfer my savings before i leave my country? Thank you
Hello Mike, We are wondering if you have received my last two messages earlier this week. We certainly do not want to annoy you, or impose too much on your time, so please forgive me if I am being a bit persistant. Your answers & advice on ... Read More
bank account in peru by Nero92
Hello , I am leaving my country to Peru forever therefor i want to close all my bank accounts before i leave is there is a way to open a bank account in Peru from distance to transfer my savings before i leave my country? Thank you
....another query to add to my last,Mike...if you don't mind. When you transferred money from the UK to Peru, what charges did you incur ? I know home banks in general have a transfer fee..and that varies ( here is A$30/transfer )....BUT, what ... Read More
bank account in peru by Nero92
Hello , I am leaving my country to Peru forever therefor i want to close all my bank accounts before i leave is there is a way to open a bank account in Peru from distance to transfer my savings before i leave my country? Thank you
Hi Mike, Thank you for your time to answer. Firstly,I am wondering why you had to put your wife on your visa application for a visa also...as she is Peruvian, didn't she have a Peruvian DNI card , as a citizen of Peru ? My wife does have a ... Read More
bank account in peru by Nero92
Hello , I am leaving my country to Peru forever therefor i want to close all my bank accounts before i leave is there is a way to open a bank account in Peru from distance to transfer my savings before i leave my country? Thank you
Hi and thanks Mike, Great to have another experienced contact. :-) I am retired also in Australia. I guess that you were retired in the UK and therefore got your Rentista visa that way. Is your partner Peruvian ? My plan is to apply for a Rentista ... Read More
bank account in peru by Nero92
Hello , I am leaving my country to Peru forever therefor i want to close all my bank accounts before i leave is there is a way to open a bank account in Peru from distance to transfer my savings before i leave my country? Thank you
Thanks very much for the info/advice. I feel okay about my planned living in Peru, just gotta select a place to live which is practical and enjoyable.....therein lies my /our challenge. Fortunately we can stay in my wife's mum's house for ... Read More
bank account in peru by Nero92
Hello , I am leaving my country to Peru forever therefor i want to close all my bank accounts before i leave is there is a way to open a bank account in Peru from distance to transfer my savings before i leave my country? Thank you
G'day Pistachio, I keep using this link as I don't know of another way to contact you.....anyway, I have another query as you have much experience over there. I understand that you reside in Trujillo but still you may be able to advise me ... Read More
bank account in peru by Nero92
Hello , I am leaving my country to Peru forever therefor i want to close all my bank accounts before i leave is there is a way to open a bank account in Peru from distance to transfer my savings before i leave my country? Thank you
Thanks again, mate. By the way, were you affected by the floods and slides ,where you're living ? Sounded quite bad up that way. Peter Read More
bank account in peru by Nero92
Hello , I am leaving my country to Peru forever therefor i want to close all my bank accounts before i leave is there is a way to open a bank account in Peru from distance to transfer my savings before i leave my country? Thank you
Thanks so much, Pistachio. All seems relatively straight forward, but taking into account the usual quirkiness of Peruvain officials. Valuing of things could be a challenge for us....many personal items...eg photo albums, memorabilia, used, small ... Read More
bank account in peru by Nero92
Hello , I am leaving my country to Peru forever therefor i want to close all my bank accounts before i leave is there is a way to open a bank account in Peru from distance to transfer my savings before i leave my country? Thank you
G'day Pistachio, I am coming to you on a query of mine that has not been answered at all in the forum...maybe you can shed some light for me... "Could forum members, who have immigrated to Peru and brought household & personal items ... Read More
Seafreighting household and personal items to Lima, when immigrating by Peter D L
G'day all, Could forum members, who have immigrated to Peru and brought household & personal items in by seafreight (LCL), please share their experience with me/us ? For example, how difficult, or demanding, is the process through Customs in ...
G'day all, I must say that it is a bit disappointing no-one can share some experience(s). ...I felt sure someone must have gone through this routine. :-( Read More
Bank atms in Peru by Peter D L
Hello all, could someone please advise me what US $ denomination(s) the banks atms dispense ? For examples, BCP or Scotiabank ? I seem to remember it was all in $20 notes...is this correct, please? Looking forward to someone's experienced ...
I am a bit surprised that no-one can advise me on this. :-( Peter Read More