Welsh expat in Japan
3 posts
About me
Welsh, Married with children
Registration: 01 March 2017
Welsh people in Japan by RCONNER
Hi everybody Are there any Welsh people out there who would like to share their experiences in Japan over the past few days with the Western Mail and South Wales Echo? I would really appreciate anyone who gets back to me in this difficult ...
Dear Rachel, Hi my name is Ursula and I am President of the St David's society of Japan, We are an active group who regularly meet. We had a 43 strong members dinner on March 1st with the Welsh Government reps here in Tokyo attending along ... Read More
Looking to network with Welsh people living in Tokyo/Japan by Stdavidwales
Hi, My name is Ursula and I am the President of the St David's society of Japan. We are an active group of Welsh expatriates and Japanese who have worked or studied in Wales. Sorry to have missed inviting Welsh new members to our very ...
Dear Bhavna, thank you for getting in touch. I am new to this form of communication so any help is gratefully received. thanks Ursula. Read More
Looking to network with Welsh people living in Tokyo/Japan
Hi, My name is Ursula and I am the President of the St David's society of Japan. We are an active group of Welsh expatriates and Japanese who have worked or studied in Wales. Sorry to have missed inviting Welsh new members to our very ... Read More