

Active member

American looking for information about Mexico

Forum posts




About me

American, In a relationship

Speaks English, some Spanish, and Nepali.

Registration: 12 March 2017


whiteumbrella replied to a thread
7 years ago

Huatulco area mid-level accommodations, safety, transportation by whiteumbrella

Hello. Planning to go from luxury digs in Nuevo Vallarta Oct 1-Dec 31 2017 to Huatulco on Jan 1 2018 for 3 months. Maybe longer, if I decide to get a residente visa (and can you get that while on a 180 day tourist visa in Mexico, and how long is the ...


Talking politics here, but what is going on in the US right now is affecting a whole lot of American expats, so perhaps this will be viewed as relevant and appropriate to the forum admin and members. Who knows if anyone on Social Security and ... Read More

whiteumbrella replied to a thread
7 years ago

Huatulco area mid-level accommodations, safety, transportation by whiteumbrella

Hello. Planning to go from luxury digs in Nuevo Vallarta Oct 1-Dec 31 2017 to Huatulco on Jan 1 2018 for 3 months. Maybe longer, if I decide to get a residente visa (and can you get that while on a 180 day tourist visa in Mexico, and how long is the ...


Your supplemental depends upon your state of residence. Let's go private on this convo. Read More

whiteumbrella replied to a thread
7 years ago

Huatulco area mid-level accommodations, safety, transportation by whiteumbrella

Hello. Planning to go from luxury digs in Nuevo Vallarta Oct 1-Dec 31 2017 to Huatulco on Jan 1 2018 for 3 months. Maybe longer, if I decide to get a residente visa (and can you get that while on a 180 day tourist visa in Mexico, and how long is the ...


Thank you for the info. I think I will check on HSBC. Read More

whiteumbrella replied to a thread
7 years ago

Huatulco area mid-level accommodations, safety, transportation by whiteumbrella

Hello. Planning to go from luxury digs in Nuevo Vallarta Oct 1-Dec 31 2017 to Huatulco on Jan 1 2018 for 3 months. Maybe longer, if I decide to get a residente visa (and can you get that while on a 180 day tourist visa in Mexico, and how long is the ...


Just have to bite the bullet on the Medicare premiums plus the supplemental because I will eventually probably go back to the Estados Un-unidos and there are penalties and cost hikes when you drop and re-add Medicare. The supplemental insurance to ... Read More

whiteumbrella replied to a thread
7 years ago

Huatulco area mid-level accommodations, safety, transportation by whiteumbrella

Hello. Planning to go from luxury digs in Nuevo Vallarta Oct 1-Dec 31 2017 to Huatulco on Jan 1 2018 for 3 months. Maybe longer, if I decide to get a residente visa (and can you get that while on a 180 day tourist visa in Mexico, and how long is the ...


I am basing my liking of Huatulco on having been there in the mid 1980s when it was first developing. At that time, I was traveling and working all over the world in third world countries and had no fear and endless stamina. I am not timid or weak, ... Read More

whiteumbrella replied to a thread
7 years ago

Diarrhea by BobbyKTM

Seems impossible to prevent. No matter how careful one is, "IT" will eventually get you. How do you cope with it ? I've been in Nepal for a month and have come down with some heavy duty diarrhea:making me seriously doubt if I'll ...


Could I please ask a Kathmandu resident to check a pharmacy next time you are there for the following meds that are too expensive to bring from home? Chloroquin/Primaquine (malaria prophylaxis) Pramipexole (a neurological med) in immediate release ... Read More

whiteumbrella replied to a thread
7 years ago
Gordon Barlow

The earthquake by Gordon Barlow

Very sad to read about the earthquake. So many people will be affected, directly or indirectly. My son and his girlfriend were just there on a holiday, paragliding. They left just a week before the quake. I wish everybody the best, over there.


I recall being on the phone with my mother in 1986 from my house near the royal palace in Kathmandu, when the concrete floor started rippling. It knocked me off my feet but and lasted only about 30 seconds. Other than a crack in a floor, there was ... Read More

whiteumbrella replied to a thread
7 years ago

Being Gay in India by marukai47

I just came back to the US from Phnom Pehn Cambodia. I spent 6 months in Cambodia teaching English. It's a beautiful city with it's ancient temples and flora and fauna; however Cambodia has an extremely dark past. There is almost no medical ...


Hijra In India there is a third gender, the hijra, male to female transsexuals. Hijras have a recorded history of more than 4,000 years and in ancient times were considered to be able to bestow luck and fertility. Even today, those looking for some ... Read More

whiteumbrella replied to a thread
7 years ago

Mistakes expats make in Thailand by Priscilla

Hello everyone, Did you make any mistakes when you first moved to Thailand? What were they? How did you address your mistakes? Did you learn anything from them? With hindsight, what would you do differently? Are there any tips you could ...


Sounds suspiciously like he was checking to see when (not if) you had any problems with your tires. Thailand is not the only country where you can't trust your in-laws. I wouldn't trust mine here in America as far as I could throw them. Read More

whiteumbrella replied to a thread
7 years ago

Mistakes expats make in Thailand by Priscilla

Hello everyone, Did you make any mistakes when you first moved to Thailand? What were they? How did you address your mistakes? Did you learn anything from them? With hindsight, what would you do differently? Are there any tips you could ...


I lived in Nepal for 10 years and when I came back to the US, I had a sort of "British Raj" accent that people thought was amusing. It took several years to recover my Midwestern twang. Read More

whiteumbrella replied to a thread
7 years ago

Common misconceptions and clichés about life in Thailand by Priscilla

Hello everyone, Old clichés die hard, as the saying goes... and living in Thailand can generate lots of misconceptions in the eyes of the people. What are the most common misconceptions about the expat lifestyle in Thailand? What are the ...


I haven't been in Thailand since 1990, but I keep up and am coming back soon for a few months. I love the country, have been all over it and not as a tourist, but as an immersed traveller. Sure, there are places that are dangerous, there are ... Read More

whiteumbrella replied to a thread
7 years ago

Diarrhea by BobbyKTM

Seems impossible to prevent. No matter how careful one is, "IT" will eventually get you. How do you cope with it ? I've been in Nepal for a month and have come down with some heavy duty diarrhea:making me seriously doubt if I'll ...


It depends upon what bug you have. If you have giardia, you will have suphur smelling burps and bad smelling gas, along with diarrhea. For that, Tiniba is a good medication. If you have access to a local clinic, take a stool sample in and have them ... Read More

whiteumbrella replied to a thread
7 years ago

Unmarried certificate by Meruem

Hello n namaste to all, I just want if nepali government gives unmarried certificate because i have never none that. I was married n my husband died so i want to get married to filipino but my dead husband's family doesn't want to give me ...


Find out where the Nepal government records deaths (some kind of central registry) and go there and ask for a death certificate or a copy of the one in the central registry. Not to get personal, but why won't the family give you a copy of your ... Read More

whiteumbrella replied to a thread
7 years ago

Diarrhea by BobbyKTM

Seems impossible to prevent. No matter how careful one is, "IT" will eventually get you. How do you cope with it ? I've been in Nepal for a month and have come down with some heavy duty diarrhea:making me seriously doubt if I'll ...


I lived in Nepal through the 1980s and worked as a guide around the world, so I was in the city and in the country and got intestinal diseases fairly regularly. For giardia, probably the most common type of diarrhea, TINIBA works well and is cheap ... Read More

whiteumbrella replied to a thread
7 years ago

Legal pharmaceuticals available in New Delhi? by LostinIndia88

I would like to ask if anyone knows what all legal pharmaceuticals are available in New Delhi? I know that things like Tramadol, Viagra, and sometimes codeine based cough syrup are available. What other legal pharmaceuticals are available in New ...


Well, let's just say that Khat is legal in Somalia, but if you try to get it back into the United States, you will go to jail. Read More