Ezzid Farhan Zahri (Ed)

Ezzid Farhan Zahri (Ed)


Malaysian looking for information about Canada

Forum posts




About me

Malaysian, Married with children

Lives in Vancouver, British Columbia

Speaks Malay, Indonesia, English (Fluent) - French, Turkish (Basic)

Registration: 21 March 2017


Ezzid Farhan Zahri (Ed) replied to a thread
7 years ago
Ezzid Farhan Zahri (Ed)

Unemployment rate particularly in Vancouver by Ezzid Farhan Zahri (Ed)

Hi guys, I am Ed from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Planning to move to Canada with my wife and almost 2 years old son. I would like to know about the unemployment rate particularly in Vancouver these days? and how difficult it is to get a job since i am ...

Ezzid Farhan Zahri (Ed)

baik. You apa khabar? :) I just found out that owning property in Vancouver is absolutely impossible for new expat like me to start fresh. as a matter of fact, Vancouver is the highest among every cities in canada! Would you suggest an area best ... Read More

Ezzid Farhan Zahri (Ed) created a thread
7 years ago

Unemployment rate particularly in Vancouver

Hi guys, I am Ed from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Planning to move to Canada with my wife and almost 2 years old son. I would like to know about the unemployment rate particularly in Vancouver these days? and how difficult it is to get a job since i am ... Read More