@Risa Riru
Malaysian looking for information about Japan
2 posts
About me
Registration: 06 July 2017
Risa Riru replied to a thread
Migrate to Japan by Risa Riru
Plan to migrate to Japan if possible in 5 years time. Here's my plan, I plan to study at a Japanese language school first then continue my degree in Japan. After having my degree will be finding full time in Japan. Theses are the question ...
In Japan is famous for ? Technology? Haha.... I just want to live in a peaceful country.... Read More
Risa Riru created a thread
Migrate to Japan
Plan to migrate to Japan if possible in 5 years time. Here's my plan, I plan to study at a Japanese language school first then continue my degree in Japan. After having my degree will be finding full time in Japan. Theses are the question ... Read More