Mongolian looking for information about England
Forum posts
About me
Lives in London, England
Registration: 08 August 2017

Bringing a child with you on student visa by Twohumpedcamel
Hello! I`m a citizen of Mongolia who`s planning to move to Dublin some time this year or early next year. I`ll attend a language school at first and then master`s. I`m a single mum to 6 year old boy and I`m naturally intending to bring my son with ...

Obviously I would hand over the proof that I can financially support myself and child to the officials when I'm applying for a Visa. According to the immigration logic even if I were to come together with let's say a husband and child, ... Read More

Bringing a child with you on student visa
Hello! I`m a citizen of Mongolia who`s planning to move to Dublin some time this year or early next year. I`ll attend a language school at first and then master`s. I`m a single mum to 6 year old boy and I`m naturally intending to bring my son with ... Read More

Intercultural relationships in Mongolia by Priscilla
Hello, We invite you to share some fun anecdotes and information regarding intercultural marriages and relationships in Mongolia. This will provide some insight to current and future expats regarding relationship norms in mixed relationships and ...

"I wonder if this is more a phenomenon with the younger generation. My wife hasn't complained once about local women giving her grief or giving the cold shoulder for having married a foreign man, but then she is no longer in her 20's or ... Read More

Intercultural relationships in Mongolia by Priscilla
Hello, We invite you to share some fun anecdotes and information regarding intercultural marriages and relationships in Mongolia. This will provide some insight to current and future expats regarding relationship norms in mixed relationships and ...

The last time when someone uploaded a similiar topic here, it started a wild fire. It was like a pit against Western and local women, insults were thrown, things escalated, but in the end we made some kind of peace. It`s a very controversial topic, ... Read More

Need a mongolian translation for a social documentary by Al Bataar
Hello, I'm a amateur videographer. I made a trip in Mongolia in 2016 and I made a little documentary about a center who help people in difficulty in Oulan Bator and another one on a street musician. The movie concerning the center is ...

Good day! I`m a translator/journalist and i could help you! Read More

Living in Mongolia by GuestPoster7411
Hello, I will be arriving in Mongolia in January. Please give me some tips and advice as to what kind of clothes do i need to bring? How cold is it there now? And how much is average daily expenses for a single male person. How expensive gadgets ...

I assume you`ve already arrived in Mongolia. You definitely need a winter coat (puffier the better), winter boots, hat, scarf and gloves as well as woolen underpants. You could buy them considerably cheaper in Mongolia, but if you`re shopping in a ... Read More

Offered teaching job in Mongolia (American School of Ulaanbataar) by Manifest2019
Hello, I'm from Dallas Texas and just got a job offer to teach at the American School of Ulaanbataar. Any advice?

Well The American School of English is known as where all the rich kids go. So i guess you`d receive considerably decent salary (at least compared to Mongolian standard). The students might be spoiled brats for all i heard, but then again it can`t ... Read More

Support, Legal or Otherwise by HallPH
I am trying to locate someone who can help in presenting documents to the German embassy for legalisation. My brother is critically ill with cancer in hospital in Germany and is trying to marry his long term partner who is Mongolian. The German ...

I`m so sorry to hear about your brother! Are you still looking for a lawyer with good English? I happened to interview two Mongolian lawyers who graduated Harvard Law School last year. They have a law firm called Avinex, one of them is ... Read More

I wish to purchase land while I'm there and i settle on by StarGazingSloth
Hi I'm in the uk 37 and single and wish to move to Mongolia.... I prefer the open land and not city life... A stone or wooden cottage and farming on a small scale and to live of the land.... I'm a free sole and can see my self being happy in ...

You can`t own a land here as a foreign citizen. And beside it seems like you`re not checking the reality here. How are you going to live in middle of the nowhere alone? You understand that there`s no sewer and water system in the vast emptiness ... Read More