American looking for information about Vietnam
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Nà Trang, Tuyên Quang
Speaks English & Spanish
Registration: 09 August 2017

Hona CB750 swing arm by E52
Searching for a Honda CB750 swing arm. ...thanks!

I’m looking to change the existing one on my cafe racer , in short change from the narrow setup tire and swing arm to a wider look 80x20 the existing one is far too narrow to support fat tire Thanks Read More

Hona CB750 swing arm by E52
Searching for a Honda CB750 swing arm. ...thanks!

Thanks, I’ll first exhaust all options locally or in country hopefully I can locate one within. There’s a ton of them online but....... Read More

Ducati by E52
Hi everyone, Looking for a Ducati 996/999 liquid cooled , older preferred 2000/2 Also interested in Ducati Monster 2010/15_600/1000 thanks in advance for any input. stay safe cheers!

I was able to get it to work after several tries, however my friend didn't have any luck. Biggest problem with the post is they tell me nothing virtually. No engine size etc just a number and a few photos. without the help of my friend who's ... Read More

Hi everyone, Looking for a Ducati 996/999 liquid cooled , older preferred 2000/2 Also interested in Ducati Monster 2010/15_600/1000 thanks in advance for any input. stay safe cheers! Read More

Any Updates on the newly passed 12 month tourist visa for US citizens by ChrisRug
My name is Chris. I've lived here with my wife and two children for almost a year now. I read all news VN, and read a few months ago that the VN govt was going to change the way tourist visa's were issued for Japan, AU and US. I then read ...

Hi Chris, I was issued a one year multi entry visa via Vietnam visa corp www.vietnamvisacorp.com however it isn't much good as i also get the boot every 90 days, i also am searching for a solution to the 90 day BS rule. Sorry I can't offer ... Read More

Banking by E52
Anyone share some banking info? Such as can I go to a bank and withdraw $ from my stateside account monthly, and fees to conduct the transaction. Thanks in advance for any help.

Very well said in all areas, no it isn't love I'm looking for, not to say it's an impossibility that's I may meet someone, I used to live in Paris in the 80's maybe a cute French expat . I'm returning to VN to more or less ... Read More

Banking by E52
Anyone share some banking info? Such as can I go to a bank and withdraw $ from my stateside account monthly, and fees to conduct the transaction. Thanks in advance for any help.

Correct, my plan is to try it for a few months to determine if it's possible for me to remain long term. I would access at the ending of each month say for two or three months then I should know if I wish to commit long term or up to one year ... Read More

Banking by E52
Anyone share some banking info? Such as can I go to a bank and withdraw $ from my stateside account monthly, and fees to conduct the transaction. Thanks in advance for any help.

Well that makes sense, so let me see if I got this, I use my bank card to withdraw $ here and get VND there or do I go to a currency exchange / bank etc and exchange ? Many people say many different things, you however explain the process more ... Read More

Banking by E52
Anyone share some banking info? Such as can I go to a bank and withdraw $ from my stateside account monthly, and fees to conduct the transaction. Thanks in advance for any help.

Firstly thank you very much for taking time to explain the Citi banking process so thoroughly. It is my understanding $US are preferred when possible, please correct me if this isn't the case - I simply prefer using $ vs VND. The exchange rates ... Read More

Banking by E52
Anyone share some banking info? Such as can I go to a bank and withdraw $ from my stateside account monthly, and fees to conduct the transaction. Thanks in advance for any help.

I live out on the coast and don't have physical access to. Citi b however I'll check online perhaps I can open a checking acc as a bridge to get $'s. Thanks for taking time to respond. Read More

Banking by E52
Anyone share some banking info? Such as can I go to a bank and withdraw $ from my stateside account monthly, and fees to conduct the transaction. Thanks in advance for any help.

Thirty min I can deal with 19 days not so much it sounds complex especially if one doesn't have Citi as their bank. It's crazy actually while living in Mexico I just inserted my card into bank ATM and $ wala! Then I could go to a street ... Read More