David Cummings
English expat in Argentina
7 posts
About me
Lives in Buenos Aires
Speaks English , Spanish , French
Registration: 06 February 2011
Driving in Argentina by Maximilien
Hi, What do you think of the way people drive in Argentina? How different is it from your home country? Respecting the road safety rules, driving etiquette such as general courtesy, speed excess what are the characteristics of the driving ...
No doubt that it's not a great statistic but you seem to have compared it with some of the most controlled countries in the world. Read More
Driving in Argentina by Maximilien
Hi, What do you think of the way people drive in Argentina? How different is it from your home country? Respecting the road safety rules, driving etiquette such as general courtesy, speed excess what are the characteristics of the driving ...
Heres is post I recently wrote about driving in Argentina http://englishgaucho.blogspot.com.ar In my mind its not so bad sort of crazy in the city but it sort off works. In the UK one slight cut up and you risk your life of someone ... Read More
Safety in Argentina by Christine
Hi, We would like to talk about a sensitive but important topic: do you feel safe in Argentina? How would you define the level of safety in the country? Can you walk safely during the day and at night without any fear? Do you think ...
Here is a blog I wrote recently on safety in Argentina englishgaucho.blogspot.com.ar/ David Cummings Estancia La Margarita Provincia de Buenos Aires Read More
Acoustic Music september 20th
Acoustic Open Mike Night 20th September 2012 in Red House The event is open to all acoustic players so think of it as an unplugged night. 8 to 11PM, We will have a microphone and small amp to plug into if you need but the sound is good here so ... Read More
DNI, yea or nay by Andeanfx
Having lived in the US for over 60 years I am very very tired of being reduced to being a number. There seems to be considerable differences regarding the DNI. On one hand it seems important to have one and yet it seems to take from months to ...
Thanks Sam just was curios because mine run out and I have found it almost impossible to renew it and I farm here so it is better for me to have it - maybe have to find a Argentine to marry! Andean you can buy a car here with a passport but as I ... Read More
DNI, yea or nay by Andeanfx
Having lived in the US for over 60 years I am very very tired of being reduced to being a number. There seems to be considerable differences regarding the DNI. On one hand it seems important to have one and yet it seems to take from months to ...
There are a number of reasons to have a DNI if you intend to stay along time - one is tax is lower when you sell things ie property . Almost anything you need to connect i.e. phone , Direct TV , gas electric you can't do in your name . As for ... Read More
DNI, yea or nay by Andeanfx
Having lived in the US for over 60 years I am very very tired of being reduced to being a number. There seems to be considerable differences regarding the DNI. On one hand it seems important to have one and yet it seems to take from months to ...
One thing without having a DNI is you wont be able to drive your car out of Argentina nor will you be able to rent a telephone line in your name. David Cummings owner of Estancia La Margarita ( estancialamargarita.com) Read More