Irish looking for information about Malta
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About me
Lives in Sliema, Tas-Sliema
Registration: 31 August 2017

Pollution levels if living near to Gzira? by StimpsonJ
I was considering taking up employment in Malta, working around Gzira, and hopefully living close enough that I could commute by bicycle (I've been able to cycle around Sliema no problems when I visited.. certainly safer than cycling in ...

Pretty much everywhere between St Julian's and Tarxien. Cycled along the coast roads, but also inland a bit. I wasn't too worried about cycling conditions elsewhere as my main concern was cycling routes to/fro work. I would be based between ... Read More

Pollution levels if living near to Gzira? by StimpsonJ
I was considering taking up employment in Malta, working around Gzira, and hopefully living close enough that I could commute by bicycle (I've been able to cycle around Sliema no problems when I visited.. certainly safer than cycling in ...

I can only base my comments on my experience cycling there for 10 days. In 10 days only 1 car came narrowly close to me. In Dublin that happens every minute. It probably helps that less people cycle in Malta as it means that a cyclist stands out ... Read More

Pollution levels if living near to Gzira? by StimpsonJ
I was considering taking up employment in Malta, working around Gzira, and hopefully living close enough that I could commute by bicycle (I've been able to cycle around Sliema no problems when I visited.. certainly safer than cycling in ...

So you don't actually have a job to go to in Gzira which makes all the posts about air pollution in that area a bit pointless. Your original post made it sound as though you did! If you actually find a job here the chances are it will be in a ... Read More

Pollution levels if living near to Gzira? by StimpsonJ
I was considering taking up employment in Malta, working around Gzira, and hopefully living close enough that I could commute by bicycle (I've been able to cycle around Sliema no problems when I visited.. certainly safer than cycling in ...

people are not all dropping down dead due to the pollution as some make it seem on herehaha fair point.. yeah I'm still interested alright, just waiting to hear results of a job offer at home first, but if I don't get it I'll start ... Read More

Pollution levels if living near to Gzira? by StimpsonJ
I was considering taking up employment in Malta, working around Gzira, and hopefully living close enough that I could commute by bicycle (I've been able to cycle around Sliema no problems when I visited.. certainly safer than cycling in ...

http://www.independent.com.mt/articles/2018-03-09/local-news/Malta-s-air-quality-very-poor-European-Environment-Agency-6736185980Ah that's unfortunate ... so a life in Malta, swimming in the sea at St Julian's (or thereabouts) may not be the ... Read More

Pollution levels if living near to Gzira? by StimpsonJ
I was considering taking up employment in Malta, working around Gzira, and hopefully living close enough that I could commute by bicycle (I've been able to cycle around Sliema no problems when I visited.. certainly safer than cycling in ...

Swim to work!Especially when there is fish farm pollution.. get my daily nutrients on the go! Read More

Looking for a job in UAE by Camaguán
Hi dear people😊 I am from Venezuela living for many years ago in Germany. I am a Computer Sciences Engineer and looking for a job in UAE. My Skills: Implementation in: (SharePoint, C#, C, Java, Perl, SQL, PHP, html, Cobol, Clipper, Pascal, ...

I'd say Dubai has an oversaturation of qualified developers from India/Pakistan so it could be a tough market to compete in. I was looking at this myself a few years ago and the salaries weren't great due to so much competition. Dubai is ... Read More

Pollution levels if living near to Gzira? by StimpsonJ
I was considering taking up employment in Malta, working around Gzira, and hopefully living close enough that I could commute by bicycle (I've been able to cycle around Sliema no problems when I visited.. certainly safer than cycling in ...

Actually Birgu is where I ended up on my last evening (having a pizza on Xatt Il-Forn watching the expensive yachts) and it's a lovely spot. Nice and quiet. I thought it might be a bit out of my price range though :) I cycled there on a ... Read More

Pollution levels if living near to Gzira? by StimpsonJ
I was considering taking up employment in Malta, working around Gzira, and hopefully living close enough that I could commute by bicycle (I've been able to cycle around Sliema no problems when I visited.. certainly safer than cycling in ...

Actually Birgu is where I ended up on my last evening (having a pizza on Xatt Il-Forn watching the expensive yachts) and it's a lovely spot. Nice and quiet. I thought it might be a bit out of my price range though :) I cycled there on a ... Read More

Pollution levels if living near to Gzira? by StimpsonJ
I was considering taking up employment in Malta, working around Gzira, and hopefully living close enough that I could commute by bicycle (I've been able to cycle around Sliema no problems when I visited.. certainly safer than cycling in ...

nope I only travel for sun... I'm actually looking forward to not having to travel any more for my Vitamin D fix The only regular travel I'll be doing is a €40 flight back home every 2 months or so. I'll see what salaries are ... Read More

Pollution levels if living near to Gzira? by StimpsonJ
I was considering taking up employment in Malta, working around Gzira, and hopefully living close enough that I could commute by bicycle (I've been able to cycle around Sliema no problems when I visited.. certainly safer than cycling in ...

Have you looked at the IT salaries here? It's pretty low - but as far as your criteria go I imagine here would be on par with the very few other options you have that matches all those.They max out around 60K which is fine as a) I won't be ... Read More

Pollution levels if living near to Gzira? by StimpsonJ
I was considering taking up employment in Malta, working around Gzira, and hopefully living close enough that I could commute by bicycle (I've been able to cycle around Sliema no problems when I visited.. certainly safer than cycling in ...

Sorry I can't help with a suggestion for a place to live, either... as Ray said further up, the only way to find a place that suits you is to come look for yourself... Your posts remind me a bit of an ex-member of this site who attempted to ... Read More

Pollution levels if living near to Gzira? by StimpsonJ
I was considering taking up employment in Malta, working around Gzira, and hopefully living close enough that I could commute by bicycle (I've been able to cycle around Sliema no problems when I visited.. certainly safer than cycling in ...

Jellyfish invade the island indiscriminately. Can be just an odd day here and there or throughout most of the summer. You also ought to keep in mind that there are only 3-4 months in the year when both the air and the sea temperature are warm enough ... Read More

Pollution levels if living near to Gzira? by StimpsonJ
I was considering taking up employment in Malta, working around Gzira, and hopefully living close enough that I could commute by bicycle (I've been able to cycle around Sliema no problems when I visited.. certainly safer than cycling in ...

How often do you get jellyfish invasions? Is it just around the east coast? Read More

Pollution levels if living near to Gzira? by StimpsonJ
I was considering taking up employment in Malta, working around Gzira, and hopefully living close enough that I could commute by bicycle (I've been able to cycle around Sliema no problems when I visited.. certainly safer than cycling in ...

If you want to live in a clean country ..... look elsewhere. Period.Yeah? I'd mainly be concerned if the sea wasn't clean to swim in. Are there regular pollution issues in the sea around the area I'm discussing? Read More