Hungarian citizen
Forum posts
About me
Speaks Hungarian, english
Registration: 04 September 2017

Land registry / House title deeds by DorisDoris
Please can anyone help me with this? I'm trying to find out when my late father bought his house in Szentes around 1986. Then I have to obtain that proof. This is for my citizenship application. Has anyone any clue how I do this please? In UK ...

You can do it online from your Ügyfélkapu, instantly. Read More

Expat interest in politics in Hungary by Bhavna
Hello everyone, As an expat, your day-to-day life in Hungary is impacted by decision-making at the political level in your host country as well as in your country of origin. We would like to know how involved you think expats should be in the ...

.... We are currently in an ice age, historically speaking. The warming of the climate is part of a natural, multi-million year long cycle. And humanity can do nothing about it, the climate will get warmer.Hmmm....in which basket should we put our ... Read More

Expat interest in politics in Hungary by Bhavna
Hello everyone, As an expat, your day-to-day life in Hungary is impacted by decision-making at the political level in your host country as well as in your country of origin. We would like to know how involved you think expats should be in the ...

Most recently, Hungary chose to pay a 10% flat penalty fee levied for misappropriation of EU funds rather than pursue corrective actions or allow a more thorough audit. That means that Hungarians pay twice -- once to the corrupt Friends of Orban who ... Read More

Starting up in Budapest soon by Roblar
Hello everyone I am planning to move to Budapest very soon. I have a flat in a central location and is quite good set. Since I know there is a also a shortage of good worker hands in Hungary, I am planning to take up construction. I have been ...

What's a professional government?I think a professional government is when a finance minister is someone who studied finance, an education minister is a teacher or professor, a health minister is a nurse/doctor, etc. And the ministries are run ... Read More

Starting up in Budapest soon by Roblar
Hello everyone I am planning to move to Budapest very soon. I have a flat in a central location and is quite good set. Since I know there is a also a shortage of good worker hands in Hungary, I am planning to take up construction. I have been ...

And since you did not state otherwise, I can only assume you do not own a business, and are simply arguing from a "wage slave" pro-government persona.... :cool:I actually do. www.taskatar.hu Of course I'm pro-government. My wage ... Read More

Starting up in Budapest soon by Roblar
Hello everyone I am planning to move to Budapest very soon. I have a flat in a central location and is quite good set. Since I know there is a also a shortage of good worker hands in Hungary, I am planning to take up construction. I have been ...

That is true in a country where capitalism ruled for hundreds of years. But here, mere 30 years ago, "communism" was rampant, and it it told people they can do it. I had colleagues who took the leftover "25" kms of cables from ... Read More

Starting up in Budapest soon by Roblar
Hello everyone I am planning to move to Budapest very soon. I have a flat in a central location and is quite good set. Since I know there is a also a shortage of good worker hands in Hungary, I am planning to take up construction. I have been ...

The largest change that tilted his decision is that most any construction typicality needs to be now tracked in a database (as I understand it, to avoid "black work" payments -- the government wants their cut of your money and don't ... Read More

Starting up in Budapest soon by Roblar
Hello everyone I am planning to move to Budapest very soon. I have a flat in a central location and is quite good set. Since I know there is a also a shortage of good worker hands in Hungary, I am planning to take up construction. I have been ...

And I don’t mind working for same amount like locals! Was not expecting to charge Danish prices😂😂https://www.fizetesek.hu/fizetesek/epitoipar-es-ingatlan/komuves Average net wage of masons: 342 403 HUF Are you sure? Read More

Starting up in Budapest soon by Roblar
Hello everyone I am planning to move to Budapest very soon. I have a flat in a central location and is quite good set. Since I know there is a also a shortage of good worker hands in Hungary, I am planning to take up construction. I have been ...

Well, even if you only work for english speaking customers, how will you get english-speaking suppliers? Only having english-speaking suppliers will mean you will be very-very expensive! Read More

Starting up in Budapest soon by Roblar
Hello everyone I am planning to move to Budapest very soon. I have a flat in a central location and is quite good set. Since I know there is a also a shortage of good worker hands in Hungary, I am planning to take up construction. I have been ...

Maybe learn hungarian? Read More

Starting up in Budapest soon by Roblar
Hello everyone I am planning to move to Budapest very soon. I have a flat in a central location and is quite good set. Since I know there is a also a shortage of good worker hands in Hungary, I am planning to take up construction. I have been ...

Your foreign certification is OK to work as an employee of a company as a mason, but to run a company yourself (even self-employed), you need the local certification, which is called "OKJ". Though maybe you should investigate if this ... Read More

early termination of rental contract by mburns
In July we signed a one year home rental contract in Budapest, but are thinking of terminating it early. The owner has made it clear that our 1.3 month security deposit is not enough for him, and when I tried to negotiate a settlement he asked for 5 ...

I'm sure there must keep some sort of tabs on people here with payment history etc. Best of luck.https://www.mnb.hu/fogyasztovedelem/hitel-lizing/hitelfelvetel/kozponti-hitelinformacios-rendszer https://bisz.hu/en/homepage/ Read More

Accomodation Contract for Visa Process by Eurus25
Hello, I received a job offer in Hungary and for work visa process I am required to show one-year accommodation contract but whoever I contact for accommodation contract they tell me it's too early and contact them one week before shifting to ...

Yes. You should not expect owners to wait for you. They will not keep the apartment empty for nothing. Rent it from the day you contact them. Read More

early termination of rental contract by mburns
In July we signed a one year home rental contract in Budapest, but are thinking of terminating it early. The owner has made it clear that our 1.3 month security deposit is not enough for him, and when I tried to negotiate a settlement he asked for 5 ...

How much security deposit is in the contract? If 5 months, and you didnt pay it, he has every right to go after you, after all, he has your contact details, and it is a lot of money. If 1,3 months, they you loose the deposit and thats it. That is ... Read More

Absolutely Anything Else by fluffy2560
Supposedly a thread for blabbing about anything you want and hopefully nothing will be off topic.

All foreigners coming here are "bevándorló". Since I have to talk with you in english, that translates as: immigrant. There is no need to differentiate.Nice try. But to state that Hungarian is such a ridiculously simplistic ... Read More