



Australian expat in Cambodia

Forum posts


About me


Lives in phnom penh

Registration: 26 February 2011


Blixicat replied to a thread
13 years ago

Fellow kickboxers, Kun Khmer, Muay Thai in Siem reap. Want to train? by Blixicat

Hey all, Despite loads and loads of searching, I have not been able to find a kickboxing / Kun Khmer / Muay Thai / English boxing club in Siem Reap. Although there is one run by the military, I am still trying to figure if they will train ...


Hey David, I have sent you an email. Yes I am still training there regularly and now starting some Bokator, which is the more traditional martial art, as well as Kun Khmer (like Muay Thai). If you don't get the email, email me at blixicat at gmail Read More

Blixicat replied to a thread
13 years ago

Fellow kickboxers, Kun Khmer, Muay Thai in Siem reap. Want to train? by Blixicat

Hey all, Despite loads and loads of searching, I have not been able to find a kickboxing / Kun Khmer / Muay Thai / English boxing club in Siem Reap. Although there is one run by the military, I am still trying to figure if they will train ...


Hey Marmaris, I have found a place that I am training at. It is pretty basic, but the trainer is good (albeit limited English). Don't expect what you get in the Thai places that cater to westerners. If you are interested you can email me at ... Read More

Blixicat replied to a thread
13 years ago

international school in siem reap by traveller2106

dear all... we would like to move to siem reap, need to know if there is any english school?,.is there good english teacher? how good they are? do you know about the fee? how is living cost there? thank you, really appreciate...


There seem to be a lot of places saying they are English schools ... but I saw one today and their sign had grammar errors in it. I wouldn't come here specifically learn English, especially if you are from India which must have better places. ... Read More

Blixicat replied to a thread
13 years ago

living in siem reap by riverboat

if anyone is interested in living in siem reap and need some advice,i may be of some help.althrough not by any means an expert i have now lived in siem reap for 5 years and 10 years in se asia and have started a few businesses along the way.fully ...


Depends on how much you like temples! Siem Reap is a nice town and there is more than just Angkor. It is actually quite a nice place to do nothing! Read More

Blixicat replied to a thread
13 years ago

First post for Siem Reap? by Blixicat

Just noticed that Siem Reap had appeared as an option for this blog and thought I would start it off, as most of the Cambodia focus seems to be in PP. Is there much of an expat community there (I am guessing that is a given), and are they reading ...


Thanks Joniv, the local Australian hairdresser put me onto the fb page. Much better than this site! Read More

Blixicat created a thread
13 years ago

Fellow kickboxers, Kun Khmer, Muay Thai in Siem reap. Want to train?

Hey all, Despite loads and loads of searching, I have not been able to find a kickboxing / Kun Khmer / Muay Thai / English boxing club in Siem Reap. Although there is one run by the military, I am still trying to figure if they will train ... Read More

Blixicat replied to a thread
13 years ago

Any body been given a woman? I have one now! Would welcome thoughts by madmax888

Before any of you go nuts on me, let me explain. She is not my slave, she has complete freedom to come and go any time she likes. She knows she can go wherever, and whenever she likes. Let me explain her history, and how this came to be. Last ...


Oh god, i have already upset people in one post. But I just find this whole thread somewhat unsettling. Yes, I realise old guys and young women end up together all over asia, but really, would most 33 year old women find a 60 year old guy ... Read More

Blixicat replied to a thread
13 years ago

Meetup for Happy Hour - Wed 29 by MatthewHarp

A friend and I just moved here and are trying to meet some new people. Don't think we're alone - thus I'd like to propose a meet up for new people or people who want to meet new people. So let's say 7:00 Wed, Jn. 29th @ Equinox on Street ...


yep, my comment was just to stir things up a bit. this blog is so polite! We actually met local khmei via mutual interests, kun khmer and rc flying machines way out of town, but I don't want to get into arguments about why someone in a village is ... Read More

Blixicat replied to a thread
13 years ago

Meetup for Happy Hour - Wed 29 by MatthewHarp

A friend and I just moved here and are trying to meet some new people. Don't think we're alone - thus I'd like to propose a meet up for new people or people who want to meet new people. So let's say 7:00 Wed, Jn. 29th @ Equinox on Street ...


I am sure that few people won't like this comment .... but I am living across from Equinox and it is full of frenchies and anglos. Doesn't anyone come to Cambodia to meet Cambodians? we have been here a week and been on several outings with the ... Read More

Blixicat replied to a thread
13 years ago

ipad - which one? by Blixicat

Hey all, quick question. We leave next Weds for Siem Reap for two years (provided the volcanic cloud over Melbourne doesn't hang around any longer). I was planning on buying an ipad to take, as I don't have a laptop and thought it would be useful. ...


Thanks Dominique, Could you tell me what part of Cambodia you are in (i.e.: is it remote or are you in PP) and how the 3G works (i.e.: SIM card or what?) Thanks! Jacqui Read More

Blixicat created a thread
13 years ago

ipad - which one?

Hey all, quick question. We leave next Weds for Siem Reap for two years (provided the volcanic cloud over Melbourne doesn't hang around any longer). I was planning on buying an ipad to take, as I don't have a laptop and thought it would be useful. ... Read More

Blixicat replied to a thread
13 years ago

First post for Siem Reap? by Blixicat

Just noticed that Siem Reap had appeared as an option for this blog and thought I would start it off, as most of the Cambodia focus seems to be in PP. Is there much of an expat community there (I am guessing that is a given), and are they reading ...


Hey Romain, Good to hear from you. I am hoping to set up a bit of a Siem Reap section on this blog, as there doesn't seem to be one to date. Me and my partner are also arriving in SR as volunteers, as part of the Australian Govt Skilled Volunteer ... Read More

Blixicat created a thread
13 years ago

First post for Siem Reap?

Just noticed that Siem Reap had appeared as an option for this blog and thought I would start it off, as most of the Cambodia focus seems to be in PP. Is there much of an expat community there (I am guessing that is a given), and are they reading ... Read More