jim IPTV

jim IPTV


Scottish expat in Malta

Forum posts


About me


Lives in Qawra

Speaks Scottish bad english and worse Spannish

Registration: 18 March 2011


jim IPTV replied to a thread
13 years ago
voodoo hoodoo

bullying by voodoo hoodoo

Any one experienced their kids being bullied? My boy's just had a hell of a two weeks!

jim IPTV

Good lad, even if you are making him play a sissy game, bulling never stops, it just gets less and the issue over it lighter. my school was nightmare, every day fights I saw weak kids suffer. The best advice is deal with it in a possitive way, going ... Read More

jim IPTV replied to a thread
13 years ago
voodoo hoodoo

bullying by voodoo hoodoo

Any one experienced their kids being bullied? My boy's just had a hell of a two weeks!

jim IPTV

Martial Arts, Judo, Karate etc Teaches confidence and when the going get's tough, they will be able to deal with the issue. It is hard fighting your kids battles even tho every instinct makes you want to pile in. After only a few months of training ... Read More

jim IPTV replied to a thread
13 years ago

Going back! by mikea

Unfortunately, for family health reasons, I am having to return to the UK after only just under a year of being in Malta... and I have absolutely loved every minute of it (and hopefully will one day return 'long-term' again) However, as the company ...

jim IPTV

Make a list up Mike and send it to me and everyone else who is interested. I have my UK van needing to go back to UK empty so maybe you could take advantage of that, GOOD LUCK. Jim Read More

jim IPTV replied to a thread
13 years ago

Big day tomorrow by mikea

For those interested in not just sport but UK TV in europe generally, much hangs on the outcome... Lets hope the right decision is made !!! MikeA

jim IPTV

Massive, the bit I like is this "The judges said the Premier League could not claim copyright over Premier League matches as they could not considered to be an author's own "intellectual creation" and, therefore, to be "works" for the purposes of ... Read More

jim IPTV replied to a thread
13 years ago

Dreambox by nikos68

Hi! The site ( is not very explicit, and I am too lazy to go and ask at the shop, so I thought that maybe I can get some feedback here! How much does it cost? (I've got the satellite dish already but nothing else) What channels ...

jim IPTV

Seems to be all about football, if you want football then you need to jump through hoops, break the law and spent big money. If I was you Scuba I would bring my HD box out and buy a big dish and a quality LNB/Cables. You are paying for it sitting in ... Read More

jim IPTV replied to a thread
13 years ago

Dreambox by nikos68

Hi! The site ( is not very explicit, and I am too lazy to go and ask at the shop, so I thought that maybe I can get some feedback here! How much does it cost? (I've got the satellite dish already but nothing else) What channels ...

jim IPTV

60P the Sport last time I looked. not that I would purchase such a comic. Viz is better. Jim Read More

jim IPTV replied to a thread
13 years ago

Dreambox by nikos68

Hi! The site ( is not very explicit, and I am too lazy to go and ask at the shop, so I thought that maybe I can get some feedback here! How much does it cost? (I've got the satellite dish already but nothing else) What channels ...

jim IPTV

Hi George a very British view of it, if anyone bought Europe Rights it might not be SKY and you would end up watching everything in French or German. It think they should be forced to buy Enlish Spoken Rights, thats what I try to buy. Jim Read More

jim IPTV replied to a thread
13 years ago

Dreambox by nikos68

Hi! The site ( is not very explicit, and I am too lazy to go and ask at the shop, so I thought that maybe I can get some feedback here! How much does it cost? (I've got the satellite dish already but nothing else) What channels ...

jim IPTV

The any frotiers act got tossed when they read "what is legal in one country should be legal to transmit to any other in Europe" Holland jumps out, but the biggest complaints was agains Bull fighting, Cock Fighting etc. Jim Read More

jim IPTV replied to a thread
13 years ago

Dreambox by nikos68

Hi! The site ( is not very explicit, and I am too lazy to go and ask at the shop, so I thought that maybe I can get some feedback here! How much does it cost? (I've got the satellite dish already but nothing else) What channels ...

jim IPTV

RE SKY and the pub, it was SKY Italia card she had purchase in Greece I believe. The rulling was not a rulling it was an appeal judge opinion that Europe is one country type view, and provided you bought it in one country and paid TAX then why ... Read More

jim IPTV replied to a thread
13 years ago

Dreambox by nikos68

Hi! The site ( is not very explicit, and I am too lazy to go and ask at the shop, so I thought that maybe I can get some feedback here! How much does it cost? (I've got the satellite dish already but nothing else) What channels ...

jim IPTV

George is spot on, Its all about rights. Do you think SKY would cut off 2 million European Subscribers ? and as they pay the channel owners a cut would the channel owners complain ? its about rights. They buy UK rights to content as do most of the ... Read More

jim IPTV replied to a thread
13 years ago

Dreambox by nikos68

Hi! The site ( is not very explicit, and I am too lazy to go and ask at the shop, so I thought that maybe I can get some feedback here! How much does it cost? (I've got the satellite dish already but nothing else) What channels ...

jim IPTV This was the case in question, Jim Read More

jim IPTV replied to a thread
13 years ago

Dreambox by nikos68

Hi! The site ( is not very explicit, and I am too lazy to go and ask at the shop, so I thought that maybe I can get some feedback here! How much does it cost? (I've got the satellite dish already but nothing else) What channels ...

jim IPTV

I sat in a meeting with two heads of SKY and it was suggested SKY should spend money closing down every subscriber who is not in UK, an estimate of 2 million paying subscriptions. They have software that could do it, but don't use it, why seems ... Read More

jim IPTV replied to a thread
13 years ago

Dreambox by nikos68

Hi! The site ( is not very explicit, and I am too lazy to go and ask at the shop, so I thought that maybe I can get some feedback here! How much does it cost? (I've got the satellite dish already but nothing else) What channels ...

jim IPTV

Why do you use dreambox ? I thought if you had a dish you could use a SKY box and subscribe in UK. I watched a woman buy a new HD SKY box on thursday call SKY from her Malta mobile and upgrade her UK account to the serial number of new HD Box. Is it ... Read More

jim IPTV replied to a thread
13 years ago
jim IPTV

Pallet shipping by jim IPTV

I am sure I saw an advert for weekly shipping UK > MALTA can't find it now, I need pallets moving from UK to here, any ideas "O Great Ones" Jim

jim IPTV

I have a couple of decent ones in my garage here if you need a spare, never use them that much. I had a really good one for shallow stuff briliant it was, but it did not like the hot-tub ? worth putting in you manual, dive torches don't like hot ... Read More

jim IPTV replied to a thread
13 years ago
jim IPTV

Pallet shipping by jim IPTV

I am sure I saw an advert for weekly shipping UK > MALTA can't find it now, I need pallets moving from UK to here, any ideas "O Great Ones" Jim

jim IPTV

I have managed to find a company who will do pallets and they seem reasonable, I am waiting on the final quote on multiple pallets so will post the quote price, Looks like there might be space for our Microwave's Scubaboy I am thinking Tesco £39.95 ... Read More