American looking for information about Vietnam
Forum posts
About me
American, Married, 57 years old
Speaks English & some Vietnamese
Registration: 08 February 2018

Aikido Dojo by onceuponastage
I'm moving to VN in the very near future and would like to continue my training in Aikido. Google revealed several dojos in my recent search, but the one that really resonates is Dang Van Phat's dojo in HCM. Has anyone been to this dojo or ...

Thank you. I will when it gets closer to my travel time! Read More

Asian American planning to move to Da Nang by Sammy50
I am an Asian American planning to move to Da Nang. I have a friend there who wants to start a nail and beauty shop. I might look for a teaching job or do some small business. Hoping to hook up with other expats or local Vietnamese.

Doing the same late this year and also Amber-Asian :) Read More

Volunteering Opportunities
Hey all, I'm currently working on a memoir of my AmerAsian experiences growing up in the US. My goal is to return to Vietnam where I was born in the hopes of finding relatives separated by war and to track down clues to whom my biological ... Read More

Spiders by Missjodi
Am moving to DaNang Dec or Jan. Doing my research,getting prepared and such. I'd like a real answer on what to expect regarding the spider thing vietnam. Not much of a backpacker will do most of my living in western style apts in the larger ...

Gonna get me a bunch o’them! Read More

Spiders by Missjodi
Am moving to DaNang Dec or Jan. Doing my research,getting prepared and such. I'd like a real answer on what to expect regarding the spider thing vietnam. Not much of a backpacker will do most of my living in western style apts in the larger ...

I feel the same way about cockroaches. Man, I can’t function around them. I’d take a spider over a roach any day! Bleghhhhhhhh! Read More

Aikido Dojo by onceuponastage
I'm moving to VN in the very near future and would like to continue my training in Aikido. Google revealed several dojos in my recent search, but the one that really resonates is Dang Van Phat's dojo in HCM. Has anyone been to this dojo or ...

Thank you! Read More

Aikido Dojo
I'm moving to VN in the very near future and would like to continue my training in Aikido. Google revealed several dojos in my recent search, but the one that really resonates is Dang Van Phat's dojo in HCM. Has anyone been to this dojo or ... Read More

U.S. SSA and Veterans Benefits in Vietnam Update by OceanBeach92107
Vietnam has been ADDED by the Social Security Administration to the list of countries with a Direct Deposit agreement with the United States: https://www.ssa.gov/international/countrylist6.htm Plus, the most current information for U.S. Citizens as ...

Great info - thanks for your research! Read More

U.S. SSA and Veterans Benefits in Vietnam Update by OceanBeach92107
Vietnam has been ADDED by the Social Security Administration to the list of countries with a Direct Deposit agreement with the United States: https://www.ssa.gov/international/countrylist6.htm Plus, the most current information for U.S. Citizens as ...

Regarding the VA - of which I draw a monthly payment - the official line is that we vets can collect our benefits while living abroad. This is with US vets that I’m referring. Read More

Thinking Ahead to teaching by Mark62
Hello, I'm currently making plans to come out to Vietnam in 2yrs time and take my TEFL course and live there if it's viable. I shall be 57 years young by then and I'm concerned that my age and the fact I have no degree will stop me ...

Thanks mate. Read More

Moving To Vietnam In 2018 by onceuponastage
Hello, I'm a disabled USAF vet and will be moving with my wife to (hopefully) Vung Tau later this year. I was actually born in Saigon and left when I was 4 yrs. old. I'm working on completing my BA and will be enrolling in either a CELTA ...

I truly appreciate your input on this. Thank you! It’s good to hear that experience in the classroom is still valued. I taught as a para-educator at the high school for three years and helped ESL teachers communicate to students from ... Read More

Moving To Vietnam In 2018 by onceuponastage
Hello, I'm a disabled USAF vet and will be moving with my wife to (hopefully) Vung Tau later this year. I was actually born in Saigon and left when I was 4 yrs. old. I'm working on completing my BA and will be enrolling in either a CELTA ...

I’ve heard and read the same regarding how one looks; fortunately I look more Anglo especially when I sprout a beard! Thank you! Read More

Bringing A Pet by onceuponastage
My wife and I are planning on traveling throughout Vietnam later in the year and want to eventually settle somewhere like Vung Tau or Da Nang. How difficult would it be to bring a small dog (less than 20 lbs) into the country and are apartment ...

You are a fount of useful information, my friend. Can I buy you a drink when I come over? Read More

Moving To Vietnam In 2018 by onceuponastage
Hello, I'm a disabled USAF vet and will be moving with my wife to (hopefully) Vung Tau later this year. I was actually born in Saigon and left when I was 4 yrs. old. I'm working on completing my BA and will be enrolling in either a CELTA ...

I've no problem putting up my 15+ years of classroom experience -- working with some of the most difficult inner-city kids and those fleeing war-torn countries like Yemen and Pakistan -- to that of any runway model with little more than a piece ... Read More

Moving To Vietnam In 2018 by onceuponastage
Hello, I'm a disabled USAF vet and will be moving with my wife to (hopefully) Vung Tau later this year. I was actually born in Saigon and left when I was 4 yrs. old. I'm working on completing my BA and will be enrolling in either a CELTA ...

I've read this on many forums and it seems to be true with regard to age as well. Sad. I've asked this in e-mail exchanges to 2 schools/language centers (whatever they call themselves) directly and got the obligatory "...we don't ... Read More