English expat in Slovakia
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Okres Prievidza, TrenÄian
Speaks English , Slovak
Registration: 23 February 2018

Hi, Slovakia by sdvcoachingandconsulting
I am new to Slovakia. I live in Bojnice 6 month each year. I am from the USA and am in Slovak language school trying to learn a new language as a retiree. Would love to meet some English speaking ex pats in the Bojnice area. My husband is Slovak ...

Great, sent you a private message yesterday evening, sure we can find a time / day / place that suits! Read More

Hi, Slovakia by sdvcoachingandconsulting
I am new to Slovakia. I live in Bojnice 6 month each year. I am from the USA and am in Slovak language school trying to learn a new language as a retiree. Would love to meet some English speaking ex pats in the Bojnice area. My husband is Slovak ...

Great, will message you and set something up! In the centre or somewhere around is fine for me, I'm all over town most days. Read More

Hi, Slovakia by sdvcoachingandconsulting
I am new to Slovakia. I live in Bojnice 6 month each year. I am from the USA and am in Slovak language school trying to learn a new language as a retiree. Would love to meet some English speaking ex pats in the Bojnice area. My husband is Slovak ...

Hi, I'm in Prievidza, 1km from you! Been here nearly 8 years. No problem meeting for a coffee and around once per month there is an expat / English speaking meet-up in Lazany, a couple of villages away. With people from all over. Would be ... Read More

English tutor seeking work orava area by Blannym
I am a 37 year old man, married to Maria who is originally from Trstena in North Slovakia. We are moving back to the area in 2021 and I am looking for work teaching English on a private or group basis. I have relevant TEFL qualifications and links ...

Hi mate, late reply as I never visit this site anymore! This is what I would do if I started over again. Don't start the ball rolling when you get there but now. Look online, find local language schools around there. You might have to be ... Read More

car registration ?...need help if i can get it by hutter
Hi to all........i will be moving permantly to Sk soon and want to bring along some sort of vehicle with me......i prob bring one from Uk...does anyone know if i can register it in SK ?....i suppose the issue will be right or left hand drive....i ...

RHD = not possible, or very difficult / expensive. Importing LHD cars is bad enough, plus they calculate the fees based on the BHP of the car, meaning yours will be expensive :) However, I have just seen that you're from Lithuania, so the ... Read More

Residence of Foreigners in Territory of Slovakia by Sue_kr
Hi folks, My name is Sue. I am Brazilian married to polish citizen. I have moved recently to Slovakia with my husband. Would ye advise on how to apply for the residency/what documents I will need for that? Cheers, Sue

Hi Sue, as usual, it's a minefield with this stuff. I really recommend looking on the official Foreigner's police website or visiting the office to ask them exactly what you need. Make sure you take somebody who can translate for you, ... Read More

#Help# What visa i must obtain to live and work in Bratislava by Lucast86
Hi there , i need some information , if someone could kindly help . Im uk passport holder , i would like to move too and work in Bratislava , i would obviously would be starting a new life there , i would be needing some sort of permanent residency ...

There will be more intelligent people along to answer I'm sure, but from what I remember doing, you will probably need to find some sort of job offer to get the first temporary residency, or at least it helps. I needed papers from the company ... Read More

Enquiry about cost of living and accommodation by Clinton Ojay
I got a job offering with a multinational company. I want to know if its is possible to find modest and cheap accommodation for a salary of 1,050 euro and generally the cost of living with possibilities of thriving in other business sector. Thank ...

I’m not sure, I’m many kms from Bratislava. I think you might get more help from Facebook groups. Maybe search Foreigners in Bratislava on facebook and join a group. Somebody there should be able to give you up to date information about ... Read More

Enquiry about cost of living and accommodation by Clinton Ojay
I got a job offering with a multinational company. I want to know if its is possible to find modest and cheap accommodation for a salary of 1,050 euro and generally the cost of living with possibilities of thriving in other business sector. Thank ...

I don't have much personal experience with Bratislava prices, maybe somebody else can advise you on that. But I guess you will be in a small, maybe 1 bedroom flat, or as mentioned above, rent a room in a shared flat. Rents for a 1 bedroom ... Read More

Enquiry about cost of living and accommodation by Clinton Ojay
I got a job offering with a multinational company. I want to know if its is possible to find modest and cheap accommodation for a salary of 1,050 euro and generally the cost of living with possibilities of thriving in other business sector. Thank ...

It all depends on which town you’ll be in. There can be big differences across the country. And is that salary net or gross? Read More

New members of the Slovakia forum, introduce yourselves here - 2019 by Julien
Hi all, Newbie on the Slovakia forum? Don't know how to start? This thread is for you ;) We invite you to introduce yourself on this topic, to share with us your expat story if you are already living in the country, or to tell us more on ...

If you speak English at a high level you could teach English, that's pretty much the number 1 job for foreigners at first. If you have the time and money to take a qualification like CELTA before you come here, do it. It's not perfect but ... Read More

New members of the Slovakia forum, introduce yourselves here - 2019 by Julien
Hi all, Newbie on the Slovakia forum? Don't know how to start? This thread is for you ;) We invite you to introduce yourself on this topic, to share with us your expat story if you are already living in the country, or to tell us more on ...

Hi Raqueram. It's difficult to tell you what chance you have to get a job. Will you move to Zilina? You've got a better chance there than most other places. Probably Bratislava has the highest chance of finding a job. It all depends on ... Read More

jobs for english speakers in slovakia by Gareth Morgan
Can someone please help been applying for jobs in slovakia have alot of managerial experience mainly in distribution but only speak very basic slovakian!!! help!!!

Hi Husam. I'm not sure the opportunity for jobs here is much better :) Especially for non Slovaks. A lot of people find it difficult to get a decent job. What previous experience do you have? If I were you I would look around Trencin / ... Read More

Expats in banska bystrica. by matthewmifsud
Hello all :) my name is Matthew Mifsud and I am currently living in banska bystrica with my slovak wife. I have been living there for the last 2 years and I've haven't met any other foreigners living there yet. I've just joined the ...

I'm in Prievidza, just down the road ( about 40 mins ) Can't say much for teaching in BB, I don't know about it there. But I've been teaching here for around 5 and a half years so far, and still going! Read More

Retiring in Slovakia by Priscilla
Hello everyone, Why did you choose to retire in Slovakia? What are the advantages compared with your home country? What were your main considerations when deciding to move? For example, taxes, ease of transferring your pension, etc.. Are ...

Ok, I will be meeting my accountant and a lawyer later today, so I will ask if they have any experience with this. I'll take a guess that they haven't, as it's not typical for this small town to have any foreigners, let alone any who are ... Read More