English expat in Saudi Arabia
Forum posts
About me
Registration: 15 May 2018

Moving to istanbul in 2019 by UmmYusuf
Hi. This is my first post. Hope you are all well? we are family of 6 would like to move to istanbul. I am a science teacher and a cupping thearapist. my husband is interested in opening a buisness. Has anyone heard about Basaksehir? what is it ...

Did you go to live in Istanbul? How are you finding it? How is Basekcehir? Is there a western Muslim community there? Read More

Teacher accommodation by agsolomons4
Hi everyone I'm just curious to know what the allocated teacher accommodation is like for a family of 2? Pics would be great if possible :) Also, any information/ advice regarding the school environment, or living here as a single mom, or ...

I am intending to also go to Fujaira to teach in D in August, could you share your experience with me please? I would really appreciate that. Thanks Read More