

Active member

American looking for information about Nepal

Forum posts




About me


Lives in Pokhara, Western Region

Speaks Spanish, Nepali, English, Some German

Registration: 21 May 2018


walran replied to a thread
5 years ago

Setting FDI company after last legislative changes by mcstan81

Hi there, we were about to register a new business in Pokhara (tourism field connected with bike rentals and transportation services) but last month government hiked the minimum foreign investment threshold to Rs 50 million from the existing Rs five ...


Buy an existing FDI company Or buy into one. We don't have those issues because my wife is Nepalese you could also do business with a trusted Nepalese party. There's a ton of opportunity in Nepal for business. Our attorney specializes ... Read More

walran replied to a thread
5 years ago

How to bring your car to Nepal by Bhavna

Hello everybody, If you exported your car to Nepal, were there any formalities that needed to be completed beforehand? What were they? What is the best way to export your car? Is there a limit on the number of vehicles, or perhaps the age of ...


I can definitely see the appeal of bringing your own vehicle. And if it's used perhaps it makes sense? A motorcycle that is about 1 to $2,000 in the US is about 7,000 in Kathmandu. Read More

walran replied to a thread
5 years ago

What to do with a small NGO? Need help to figure out next step by MadagascarNow

We founded a small NGO after the earthquakes and have done several small projects like building shelters, planting trees, providing skills training, etc. We are looking for someone interested in helping Nepal who would be interested in connecting ...


So what we have done is formed a US 501c3 for tax benefits in the US and we control that which means that we control the funds that go to the NGO. In order for the NGO to receive funds they must comply with the stated goals and objectives that we ... Read More

walran replied to a thread
5 years ago

Pet travel to nepal by Jatte00

I need some help regarding pet travel, my pet is a golden retriever, 2.9 months old, he is 26kg .The problem im having now is the size of the cage and the weight including my dog's weight. I want to fly via china southern airlines but the size ...


Nice to find a fellow dog lover.. We have the one in the US and then 3 (now two) in Kathmandu that we love. Have had some issues with dogs on the street ending up in stitches and our dog "Thor" hates travelling and its usually about 40 ... Read More

walran replied to a thread
5 years ago

Heating Systems in Nepal by Beatricia2019

Does anyone know if there are any companies in Nepal that offer any kind of centralized heating systems for installation in one's home? If so, what type, cost and company name or make? Reason I ask is that I am not so keen on having to use those ...


The issue with this is multiple.. 1- no gas piped in anywhere in the country 2- you need really big bottles to heat the entire house and the roads won't allow delivery generally of say a 500 gallon tank and then the houses are not built for that ... Read More

walran replied to a thread
5 years ago

Heating Systems in Nepal by Beatricia2019

Does anyone know if there are any companies in Nepal that offer any kind of centralized heating systems for installation in one's home? If so, what type, cost and company name or make? Reason I ask is that I am not so keen on having to use those ...


I think that a minisplit can be bought there as I have seen them occasionally for heat and AC. I don't like the cold but it is pretty temperate in Kathmandu or you go towards Chitwan and it gets downright hot :) Read More

walran replied to a thread
5 years ago

Housing location & lifestyle question by AlisonDK

Hi All My husband and I went to Nepal about 7 years ago for a 3 week stay and absolutely loved it. We are considering a move to Nepal for a few years as where we live in Australia (Sydney) is now so expensive we're working our lives away 50-60 ...


Some things are cheap. Our house has about 50 rooms and yet utilities are $100 a month. As a couple we can live OK on $700 a month without a house payment. But others live OK on it just scaled down. Read More

walran replied to a thread
5 years ago

Frontline flea killer for pets by Mulder12345

I live in Pokhara. Does anyone know where i can get Frontline or as good for my cat?


try increasing sulfur intake... for you.. My wife says that Notix is a good brand in Nepal and we have three dogs there. Read More

walran replied to a thread
5 years ago

Diarrhea by BobbyKTM

Seems impossible to prevent. No matter how careful one is, "IT" will eventually get you. How do you cope with it ? I've been in Nepal for a month and have come down with some heavy duty diarrhea:making me seriously doubt if I'll ...


Hmm have been to Nepal for several months each year for a long time. I stopped getting sick when I became a vegetarian.. Read More

walran replied to a thread
5 years ago

Pet travel to nepal by Jatte00

I need some help regarding pet travel, my pet is a golden retriever, 2.9 months old, he is 26kg .The problem im having now is the size of the cage and the weight including my dog's weight. I want to fly via china southern airlines but the size ...


So I don't have an answer for that but we are moving to Nepal and finding a home for our dog Thor. We are not going to bring him to Nepal he is a Dutch Sheperd and way too expensive. The problem is the lack of space to run him in and the fact ... Read More

walran replied to a thread
5 years ago

Starting business in Nepal by adrianrossduncan

The advice on import-export re. setting up business in Nepal will not help if you wish to actually start a business and reside in Nepal. Which is what I plan to do, no matter how difficult it seems. Anybody got any other advice, particularly ...


First last and always I would say foreign investments limited because of corruption in government and the fact that there's no rule of law comparable with the West in Nepal. Extremely difficult to get your earnings out of Nepal and the taxes ... Read More

walran replied to a thread
6 years ago

What to do with a small NGO? Need help to figure out next step by MadagascarNow

We founded a small NGO after the earthquakes and have done several small projects like building shelters, planting trees, providing skills training, etc. We are looking for someone interested in helping Nepal who would be interested in connecting ...


Typically you need to get funding and that will come from outside of Nepal. If it is US funding then they will want you to have a US501C3 so they can write off their taxes. Very little funding coming from in country.. Read More

walran replied to a thread
6 years ago

Housing location & lifestyle question by AlisonDK

Hi All My husband and I went to Nepal about 7 years ago for a 3 week stay and absolutely loved it. We are considering a move to Nepal for a few years as where we live in Australia (Sydney) is now so expensive we're working our lives away 50-60 ...


Hmm.. Yes you can live for $800 a month but maybe not that life you think you will. Dr's here make about $1000 a month for example but you are "not" getting the big house in Kathmandu on $800 a month. You "might" be able to ... Read More

walran replied to a thread
6 years ago

Buying property in Nepal by Christine

Hi, can a foreigner buy property in Nepal? If so, is it complicated? What is the process of purchasing a property in Nepal? Any tips for buying property, such as a check-list of items to verify ? Thanks in advance for ...


Hmm.. So part of me says why buy in Nepal? A house that costs $300,000 to build can be rented for $500-600 a month if you check around ( we have found many). I can put my money to work in the US at 12% interest and the banks in Nepal (if you are ... Read More

walran replied to a thread
6 years ago

Diarrhea by BobbyKTM

Seems impossible to prevent. No matter how careful one is, "IT" will eventually get you. How do you cope with it ? I've been in Nepal for a month and have come down with some heavy duty diarrhea:making me seriously doubt if I'll ...


When I gave up meat I got sick a lot less as in 1X every couple of years.. Just a thought. Read More