Dutch expat in Nepal
100 posts
About me
Lives in Kathmandu
Speaks Dutch, English,
Registration: 18 June 2009
Smart receive sms by jmoel
Hello good morning, my name jen, I live in Phnom Penh.Im waiting for a sms from my bank in Germany . But it not arrive.Is there a main problem to receive text messages from Germany via smart thanks all for help
not being able to receive an SMS that's being used to verify that you are you can be something you shrug your shoulders about and go on, or it can be a rather big issue. Depends on your personal situation.For me it was worth it to get me an SMS ... Read More
Any experience with Nepali Landlords regarding electricity stealing? by UStoNepal
I'm renting an apartment with the Nepali landlord living upstairs. When it's nice weather they open all the windows and doors. I'm downstairs and I freeze every time. I live in a building that doesn't have the stairs going up the ...
Without generalising, there is no way to answer your question. Every person and every situation will be different, and have a different 'best answer' or solution. That being said, I am of the opinion that there is no reasoning with any ... Read More
Visa to stay in Nepal by seant1
I have been here a few months and would like to stay longer do any of you have any advice on how this can be done thanks
Yes, most likely you can. The standard advise when asking would be to come to Nepal on a tourist visa, and change it to a different visa when your situation changes and allows for a different visa. Changing visas should not give you any ... Read More
international secondary schools in Kathmandu by aldahasa
Greetings to everyone. I have just received an offer to work in Kathmandu and I am seriously considering but need to figure out the options I have to send my kids to school. I know there are international schools there but costs seem to high. Is ...
No, sorry, I have no information about home schooling at all. I think you'd best contact City Counsil of maybe department of Education in your home country. They might have a solution for you ? Read More
international secondary schools in Kathmandu by aldahasa
Greetings to everyone. I have just received an offer to work in Kathmandu and I am seriously considering but need to figure out the options I have to send my kids to school. I know there are international schools there but costs seem to high. Is ...
Hi, Schools in Nepal. Difficult subject... In the end I think you'll be more or less stuck to having your kids join one of the official (expensive) international schools. Reasons for this are multifold, but consider the following: - Every ... Read More
How much should a lawyer charge for service in Nepal? by UStoNepal
How much should an attorney charge to write a 1-page letter? It's just a letter requesting legal documentation for something that has financial ramifications. It's just to write it, send it via email and forward the response to me. Any ...
Yes, exactly what Francoise is saying. My lawyer would also not agree for doing this without knowing you personally already. Not doable about sums it up. But that was not your question... I would expect to be paying between NPR. 5.000 and 10.000, ... Read More
Agricultural land in Nepal by TheTraveler2020
I was looking around for land sale in Nepal. And All I can find is small land to build a house. The prices was ranging from high to reasonable But I can never find sale of a agricultural land, lets say 10 acres (or 3-5 hectares) (and when I see ...
Hi Traveler2020, Nepal is not very accomodating to small foreign investors. Minimum investment amount is currently the forementioned US$ 500.000. And for either buying, renting or leasing land, for whatever purpose, you will need to have a company ... Read More
Setting FDI company after last legislative changes by mcstan81
Hi there, we were about to register a new business in Pokhara (tourism field connected with bike rentals and transportation services) but last month government hiked the minimum foreign investment threshold to Rs 50 million from the existing Rs five ...
I'm afraid that Nepal Govenment has spoken, and what they said was that Nepal is not interested in 'small' investors anymore. Bring € 400.000 or stay home is the new message. It makes me, being a 'small investor' myself ... Read More
Heating Systems in Nepal by Beatricia2019
Does anyone know if there are any companies in Nepal that offer any kind of centralized heating systems for installation in one's home? If so, what type, cost and company name or make? Reason I ask is that I am not so keen on having to use those ...
Indeed houses here are in general poorly equiped for any kind of central heating. I have looked into this before and could not find any proper solution for heating my office or house, and eventually resorted to placing individual gas or electric ... Read More
Declaring Money at the Airport? by Emonokane
Hi There, For a number of reasons, I will be carrying more than $2000 USD with me when I go to Nepal. I have read that you have to declare the money if you are bringing more then $2000 into the country. Does anyone know what happens when I declare ...
Since most people do not bring over US$2000 in cash into Nepal, I do not think you will be getting an answer from someone who has been in that situation here. And then I think an educated guess is better then no answer at all... There is no law ... Read More
Driving license in Nepal by Armand
Hi all, Can a foreigner take the driving test in Nepal? What are the formalities to get a drivers licence in Nepal? Do you need special or extra documents being an expatriate? How much does it cost? Thank you for participating ...
JW...Dude, you said more complex than Thapa suggested? "You" lost "me" after two sentences. 'You" are the complicated one. I didn't want to grow old and die reading your novel. An English word for you: conciseDude... ... Read More
Is the Internet strong enough in Nepal for online teaching? by Lori Whitaker Souza
Hello, My name is Lori, and I teach English at both an English center, as well as at a university in Danang, Vietnam. My husband and I want very much to come spend some time in Nepal. Our interest is in teaching online. I already have an online ...
Hi Lori, Yes, what you want can be done. The complainers about the internet are the people who either work from Internet Cafés or from home using the cheaper 'Consumer type' connections. These fail more often then not. If you need a ... Read More
Looking for Work Teaching English Regular Pay by philolinguist
I am a travelling teacher. I have made good wages elsewhere and hope to get work in Kathmandu, but if not here in one o fthe big cities (New Delhi, Agra, Bangalore) in India. I have 5 years experience and a post-grad degree in English. Can anyone ...
That is a very specific field of knowledge. I doubt many people will be able to answer that. I think your best chance would be to get in contact with Nepalese deaf and hard-of-hearing organizations. Look for some contact information at the bottom ... Read More
Nepali Time and Time Off in this country by jl1234
In what he refers to as "The Irrelevance of Time in Nepal", this nepali writer expresses the opinion that this question of TIME SOMETHING in Nepal is the biggest single issue for Westerners to get a hold of when visiting this country. For ...
I think I am looking at this from a different view point. In the Netherlands we have 365 days in a year (on average) - as in most countries. About 52 Saturdays and 52 Sundays are 'by default' for most people a holiday. That is already 104 ... Read More
Customs Declaration on Arrival by jl1234
Since I've been here, I often hear the question: How much cash can foreigners bring into Nepal? To answer that question, I refer them to the following link's valuable information, for guidance purposes: ...
There are many options besides cash to spend / access your money. - Go to a bank counter, and ask for a cash advance on your credit card. Your credit card limit is the limit of money you can get. - Open a bank account and transfer your money by ... Read More