Australian looking for information about Denmark
2 posts
About me
Speaks English, Kannada
Registration: 25 June 2018
What should be my salary? by fwmonger
In my preparation to apply for jobs in Denmark, I'm gathering information about the job market. My take home salary now in Sydney converted to DKK is 39,350 a month. If I want to take home at least the same amount in Denmark what is the salary ...
Thanks, Nellie! I understand that there are five different taxes that I'll be paying if I'm earning salary in Denmark - Health Contributions State Tax Muncipal Tax Labour Market Contributions Church Tax Out of the five taxes, I won't ... Read More
What should be my salary?
In my preparation to apply for jobs in Denmark, I'm gathering information about the job market. My take home salary now in Sydney converted to DKK is 39,350 a month. If I want to take home at least the same amount in Denmark what is the salary ... Read More