Singaporean citizen
2 posts
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Lives in Singapore
Registration: 26 June 2018
Student pass for 3years old kid
Hi/ We are working in singapore with Spass each salary around 4k.Want to apply student pass for our 3 year old child.Any one get approved for the student pass of 3years before pls advise Read More
My 4 year Son student pass rejected (25/2/2017-Sweetland child care) by smjan
Hi, Me and my husband working in Singapore for past 3 years under EP and S pass resp where salaray ard 4000+ and 3000+ resp. Since our individual salary not ard $6000 we cannot apply DP for my 4 year old son. So we keep trying student pass for ...
Hi.I also want to apply student pass for my 3year old son.Did you manage to get student pass for your son.Cause I'm same condition like you.You information will a lot helpful for us.Please share Read More