Alphonse Wanemay
Ni Vanuatu citizen
Forum posts
About me
Ni Vanuatu
Lives in Port-Olry, Sanma
Speaks English,
Registration: 18 July 2018
Alphonse Wanemay replied to a thread
Cost to build on E Santo by Jezzaa
Hi, we are thinking of buying a block on Santo island, and was wondering if people could offer some advice as to building costs? We would want to build a big-ish house, at least 5 bedrooms, and use it as a holiday house/holiday rental. thanks, ...
Hi , well the cost of a building in Vanuatu depends on the sizes and type of material use. How ever we cannot make you cost without your plan ,and the location. More to that, the size of 10mm x 8mm will be estimate around 9.5million vatu to 10 ... Read More