Fabio Castelblanco

Fabio Castelblanco

New member

Colombian expat in Spain

Forum posts




About me


Lives in Barcelona

Registration: 17 May 2011


Fabio Castelblanco replied to a thread
13 years ago

Test the expat blog free platform by Julien

Hi there, we are not far from realeasing our own blog platform, dedicated to expatriates. It's not completely ready, but we would really appreciate if you could help us in testing the platform. So do not hesitate to create one 'testing' blog ...

Fabio Castelblanco

Hi there, I am a Britsh Colombian citizen living in Barcelona,,,,I would like to hear from you. Cheers, Fabio Read More

Fabio Castelblanco replied to a thread
13 years ago

Test the expat blog free platform by Julien

Hi there, we are not far from realeasing our own blog platform, dedicated to expatriates. It's not completely ready, but we would really appreciate if you could help us in testing the platform. So do not hesitate to create one 'testing' blog ...

Fabio Castelblanco

Hi there, we are not far from realeasing our own blog platform, dedicated to expatriates. It's not completely ready, but we would really appreciate if you could help us in testing the platform. So do not hesitate to create one 'testing' blog ... Read More

Fabio Castelblanco replied to a thread
13 years ago

Loneliness when you're abroad by Julien

Do you often feel lonely when you're abroad? I personaly suffered on week ends while I was in the UK. Even if I had several friends, I often missed my family and friends (from home). So I walked, visited museum, went to concerts, worked more... ...

Fabio Castelblanco

Do you often feel lonely when you're abroad? I personaly suffered on week ends while I was in the UK. Even if I had several friends, I often missed my family and friends (from home). So I walked, visited museum, went to concerts, worked more... ... Read More

Fabio Castelblanco replied to a thread
13 years ago

what's up by GuestPoster1900

this webside look really poor! were are the peoples? not social life in this place?... finally after month and half I got internet at home, hope to be intouch with cool peoples. great day to all.

Fabio Castelblanco

Bogota,,,,,a place of contrasts but most of all,,,chaotic! Read More

Fabio Castelblanco replied to a thread
13 years ago

home for rent by gracey25

what would a house look like if would cost for 400usd?

Fabio Castelblanco

what would a house look like if would cost for 400usd?like a tent!! Read More