Clarifel F. Rodrigo
New member
Filipino expat in Tanzania
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Dar es Salaam
Speaks Filipino, English, Ektu-Ektu Bangla, Kidogo Kiswahili
Registration: 19 May 2011

Clarz replied to a thread

Loneliness when you're abroad by Julien
Do you often feel lonely when you're abroad? I personaly suffered on week ends while I was in the UK. Even if I had several friends, I often missed my family and friends (from home). So I walked, visited museum, went to concerts, worked more... ...

When you are away from home for a long time, that's the time you feel lonely. You miss the people and the familiar things you used to see and have. My approach when I get lonely is make myself busy. I go out sometimes and explore the city. And If ... Read More