Jonathan Stein
American citizen
2 posts
About me
Lives in New York
Registration: 27 May 2011
Toulouse,nice or barcelona??? by jaibee
Hi everyone im new and have been offered a position with a co. that has an office in the above due to start in oct.wondering if anybody who lives there could help me with some info??ive to decide in the coming mths which city i would ...
I agree with nekonimise. I've spent time in both places and Nice can get very crowded. Toulouse is more of a 'real' city in my opinion. It depends what you're looking for! Read More
Write for FRANCE Magazine by FranceMag
I'm a journalist with FRANCE Magazine(North America and Britain's best selling title about France). In each US edition, we feature a column called 'An American in France', where an expat tells us about their life. Were currently looking for ...
Would you be interested in some articles focusing on food, restaurants, traveling with kids, etc, from the viewpoint of an American traveling in Paris? I publish travel guides and have a few authors who would love to write for you. Thanks! -- ... Read More