Italian looking for information about Nepal
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Kathmandu, Central Region
Speaks Italian, french and english
Registration: 31 December 2018

My introduction by JPollard
Greetings, This is my introduction to this group. I live in a rural part of Pennsylvania. I am currently divorced. I was married for 26 years. I have 5 children. I have been in business selling material handling equipment for the past 40 years ...

If as you indicate, you feel that much drawn to Nepal, you should definitely go. All I can tell you is that major changes have taken place in that country in the last several years. Also, I just question whether this is the best time to make the ... Read More

//Help Post// Regarding open a Clothing Store in Nepal. by topon-tigga
Hi! I am Topon Tigga, from Bangladesh. Need help regarding open/start a Clothing business in Nepal. I am working in apparel industry for long time. Now, I want to open few clothing store in Nepal. Clothes will be imported from Bangladesh... Could ...

This guidance information is for Topon Tigga As previously published on these pages, back in May 2019, our friend Francoise19, updated the minimum amount of capital which foreigners now have to bring into this country, in order to set up a new ... Read More

Coming to Mauritius by Girish Geerutsing
Greetings to everyone here :) Do you know someone who is coming to Mauritius in the near future ( i know the situation is difficult but I can wait) .I was in Nepal last year but unfortunately I could not bought something and wanting someone if ...

What"s more, you will be happy to know that one of the varieties on offer on that site is Handmade in Nepal! Read More

Coming to Mauritius by Girish Geerutsing
Greetings to everyone here :) Do you know someone who is coming to Mauritius in the near future ( i know the situation is difficult but I can wait) .I was in Nepal last year but unfortunately I could not bought something and wanting someone if ...

As they say in English - "Easy as pie"!!! Easiest and fastest way for you is to go to the net, visit www.amazon.com and enter the search words Tibetan Prayer Flags. You will be able to order the string there in the size/length you want, ... Read More

Calcium Hypochlorite (pool shock) by Mulder12345
I need a small amount (50-100grams) to help purify drinking water at a friends village. It must be calcium hypochlorite as it is used to purify water in city drinking water systems and is safe. Does anyone have a supply or could direct me to a ...

After the Dashain holidays, check out the website of www.hardwarepasal.com With luck you should be able to buy (online) 5 liter minimum of that product you mention Read More

How do you navigate your expat identity in Nepal? by Anne-Lise Mty
Hey guys in Nepal or wanting to move there, Fellow expat Stephanie has sent us a piece about how she navigates between her British-ish and her French-ish identity and we thought we would share it with you. Her opinion piece is featured on our ...

For them, you will always be a "Videsi"! Cultural differences, language barrier and other will be there as constant reminders! Read More

Pet travel to nepal by Jatte00
I need some help regarding pet travel, my pet is a golden retriever, 2.9 months old, he is 26kg .The problem im having now is the size of the cage and the weight including my dog's weight. I want to fly via china southern airlines but the size ...

Hi Tydorjee, I am fast running out of ideas, but after doing some reading, I learned that while Thai Airways gave up its pet in cabin policy some years ago, it still has in place what they call a "Guide and Assistance dog" policy which ... Read More

What's your goal for 2020 ? by kamaltamang15
I want know that how are planning for 2020 to know how similar thinking we have.............

For their part, the Authorities set still higher Goals for new FDI investments in Nepal at nearly half a million US dollars (minimum threshold). Be interesting to see how this new policy works out because that is a ten-fold increase over what it was ... Read More

What's your goal for 2020 ? by kamaltamang15
I want know that how are planning for 2020 to know how similar thinking we have.............

World goals for the next decade are as follows: Goal 1: End Poverty in all its forms Goal 2: Zero hunger Goal 3: Health Goal 4: Education Goal 5: Gender equality Goal 6: Water & Sanitation From your side, first, we'd now be most ... Read More

Pet travel to nepal by Jatte00
I need some help regarding pet travel, my pet is a golden retriever, 2.9 months old, he is 26kg .The problem im having now is the size of the cage and the weight including my dog's weight. I want to fly via china southern airlines but the size ...

I am a pet lover myself so I can thoroughly understand your predicament and can sympathize. That being said, 1. I hope I am wrong, but I seriously doubt that you will find a single airline which understands the term or notion of "emotional ... Read More

Visa advice by seant1
Hi I am wondering whats the best visa to apply for after an tourist visa runs out I am thinking possibly education? Any ideas please?

I really admire anyone who wants to learn the nepali language - an Indo-Aryan language rarely spoken outside of its borders. If you don"t speak Hindi, it will not be easy to learn nepali. As everyone knows, Nepali is based on Sanskrit - so ... Read More

Visa advice by seant1
Hi I am wondering whats the best visa to apply for after an tourist visa runs out I am thinking possibly education? Any ideas please?

To get the best visa, you want to land the best job. And to get the best job (with a good salary, perks, insurance & other advantages) you want to first line up, apply for and then land the job you are looking from folks in your home country, My ... Read More

Setting FDI company after last legislative changes by mcstan81
Hi there, we were about to register a new business in Pokhara (tourism field connected with bike rentals and transportation services) but last month government hiked the minimum foreign investment threshold to Rs 50 million from the existing Rs five ...

To start, why don"t you contact *** and take things from there? Am sure there is a solution. Read More

Agricultural land in Nepal by TheTraveler2020
I was looking around for land sale in Nepal. And All I can find is small land to build a house. The prices was ranging from high to reasonable But I can never find sale of a agricultural land, lets say 10 acres (or 3-5 hectares) (and when I see ...

Hello! Before going further, I would refer TheTraveler2020 to the good information submitted on these pages by JW - "Setting an FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) company after Legislative Changes" (dtd July 8, 2019) The clear message that it ... Read More

Setting FDI company after last legislative changes by mcstan81
Hi there, we were about to register a new business in Pokhara (tourism field connected with bike rentals and transportation services) but last month government hiked the minimum foreign investment threshold to Rs 50 million from the existing Rs five ...

How and where can we contact you, Mcstan81?? I have a workable solution which I am sure will work - and I hasten to add, without the need to invest half a million bucks. Read More