

New member

Dutch looking for information about Taiwan

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Speaks Dutch, English, German, bit of French and very little bit of Mandarin

Registration: 21 February 2019


Herman5412 replied to a thread
last year

Migrating from Europe to Taiwan as Pensionada with good pension by Herman5412

It is almost impossible to migrate from Europe to Taiwan if you don't work but have a good steady monthly income from a pension. Why? Shouldn't Taiwan welcome these people since they spend their money in Taiwan which is good for Economy isn't it?


@hauthomme Dear Hauhomme, thank you for your reply. Switserland is a European country but is not part of the European Union (EU). This might be the difference. Perhaps Taiwan has special arangements with Switserland. Read More

Herman5412 replied to a thread
2 years ago

Migrating from Europe to Taiwan as Pensionada with good pension by Herman5412

It is almost impossible to migrate from Europe to Taiwan if you don't work but have a good steady monthly income from a pension. Why? Shouldn't Taiwan welcome these people since they spend their money in Taiwan which is good for Economy isn't it?


@Yoginee Hi Yoginee, thank you for your reply. I have read the article you referred to. It is certainly interesting and helping me finding a way to stay longer in Taiwan. Kind Regards, Herman Read More

Herman5412 created a thread
2 years ago

Migrating from Europe to Taiwan as Pensionada with good pension

It is almost impossible to migrate from Europe to Taiwan if you don't work but have a good steady monthly income from a pension. Why? Shouldn't Taiwan welcome these people since they spend their money in Taiwan which is good for Economy isn't it? Read More