French looking for information about Czech Republic
Forum posts
About me
Speaks French, English.
Registration: 22 February 2019

Dream came true? by mal
Being an expat, did your dream come true? Or was it an unavoidable life event happened in your life? I've heard comparing new husband with ex husband is not a good thing (even we do that all the time :D ) Do you always (or sometimes) ...

The problem is that I miss my old friends and family :sosad: Read More

If you could live anywhere, where would you choose? by The Happy Migrant
Personally I am loving everything that Australia has to offer at the moment. Kama

Somewhere in NZ. The nature is breathtaking over there Read More

Your favourite apps for traveling?
This question is both for iOS and Android users. What are your favorite apps while traveling? I'm an iOS user, so here's my top 5 list: 1. PackPoint 2. Surfshark 3. AroundMe 4. Maps.me 5. Phrasebook Read More