Pakistani looking for information about Singapore
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Lives in Singapore
Registration: 24 July 2019

Employment Pass Rejection and appeal. by Shazil87
My company in Singapore recently applied for a employment pass, the salary I am being offered is 7900 sgd and the title is senior product specialist and I presume the company took care of all the other prerequisite as my offer took a lot of ...

I stated "yes" but in the other details section, I clearly mentioned the description that it was only a visa application rejection and nothing more. I know the difference now however nothing can be done about it. As per my company this is ... Read More

Employment Pass Rejection and appeal.
My company in Singapore recently applied for a employment pass, the salary I am being offered is 7900 sgd and the title is senior product specialist and I presume the company took care of all the other prerequisite as my offer took a lot of ... Read More