


American citizen

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Speaks Travel, real state

Registration: 05 August 2019


Uscitizen1986 replied to a thread
5 years ago
chu chu_20

Visa Information by chu chu_20

Good morning every one, Favor from all of you guys, could you please help me to know the procedures of getting visa. I have my auntie living in Montana USA, she is already residence and has green card in USA. I want to go there with her sponsor, is ...


I dont see no problem...what you dont understand??? Read More

Uscitizen1986 replied to a thread
5 years ago

From Germany to New York by Guest46521

At the moment I am living in Germany, and I decided to move to New York. I have been thinking about this for years... nearly all of my friends went to New York, and after the trip they didn't want to leave, it is pretty tempting. soooooo I am here ...


Yes you are right new york city economy is very hard and people feel pressure and struggle to pay bills This is not a paradise Read More

Uscitizen1986 replied to a thread
5 years ago

From Germany to New York by Guest46521

At the moment I am living in Germany, and I decided to move to New York. I have been thinking about this for years... nearly all of my friends went to New York, and after the trip they didn't want to leave, it is pretty tempting. soooooo I am here ...


Here in new york the cost of moving is very hard,everything is expensive, 2 bedroom apartament 2,000$ a month and utilities separarte Food,transportation way too much And there no more If you get a job they dont pay minuim wage Is not fun been ... Read More

Uscitizen1986 replied to a thread
5 years ago
Zied Bouazizi

living cost in New York by Zied Bouazizi

Hi, My name is Zied,I will be visiting new york for touristic purpose and visit. I'm planning to stay for 18 days and would like to know how much does it cost for living there. Your help is much appreciated. Regards


I live here in new york for 40 Years and the president time cost of moving is outrages. To rent a 2 bedroom apartament 2,000$ a month and to move in you need aleast 5,000$ Transportation 5.00$ Food too much Is very disapointed a lot of people are ... Read More

Uscitizen1986 replied to a thread
5 years ago

Cost of living in the USA - 2017 by Priscilla

Hello, Before moving to USA, it is important to investigate the cost of living in the country. As we did in 2015, we give you the opportunity to share your experience and tell us more about products and services average recorded prices in ...


I live in united state new york ny The cost of moving here is outrages Is very hard for low income people. A 2 bedroom apartament 2,000$ a month utilities separete,food,transportation....this is so disapointed Read More

Uscitizen1986 replied to a thread
5 years ago


I have a 1 year old daughter in the RD and would like for her to visit me in the future. What is the best course in getting a green card for her ? I will not want a citizenship for her at this time because of circumstances. thanks


Yes, you can sponsor your minor child....but green card holder will take longer, If you are a us citizen american can come faster...less than a year Green card take longer than 1 year Read More

Uscitizen1986 replied to a thread
5 years ago

Can green card holder live outside the USA? by FOGU

Me: US citizen living and working abroad 10 years. Wife: Foreign national, not a US citizen. 2 Kids: Dual nationality, US citizens with registration and certification from local embassy. We have tried twice for my wife to get a tourist visa to ...


Getting a visa is only temporary stay there is a expire date if the person decide to stay in usa is breaking the law and immigration will denial future request and be deported Read More

Uscitizen1986 replied to a thread
5 years ago
chu chu_20

Visa Information by chu chu_20

Good morning every one, Favor from all of you guys, could you please help me to know the procedures of getting visa. I have my auntie living in Montana USA, she is already residence and has green card in USA. I want to go there with her sponsor, is ...


[Post under review] Read More

Uscitizen1986 replied to a thread
5 years ago

Marriage Visa by djgirl

So, as you know there is ALOT of forums about this topic I'm seeing, but it really doesn't answer my question, or I'm just not understanding this correctly. As of now I'm still currently in the United States. We wanted to get married ...


You are correct a person who has a visa and intention to marry the boyfriend for green card that is a sham marriage fraud is a crime and booth go to jail Read More

Uscitizen1986 replied to a thread
5 years ago

Can green card holder live outside the USA? by FOGU

Me: US citizen living and working abroad 10 years. Wife: Foreign national, not a US citizen. 2 Kids: Dual nationality, US citizens with registration and certification from local embassy. We have tried twice for my wife to get a tourist visa to ...


In order to get a visa need to be financially well...have business making go money Read More

Uscitizen1986 replied to a thread
5 years ago

Green card USA - alien criminal record by Pjtiebout85

Hello, I would like to live and work in New York after 4 visits over the past few years using an ESTA. I am 33 years old, single and a UK citizen. However my father is an American citizen and still holds his American passport. My mum and him are ...


That is dificult once immigration see you have a criminal record they will denie you ...ban for good Read More

Uscitizen1986 replied to a thread
5 years ago

Permanent Residency Visa by cocoabsb

How can I get a permanent residency Visa for the USA?


For your correcting permanent resident and visa are 2 different thing. Visa is temporary for a lenth of time and you have to go back to your country. Permanent resident to live permanent there or settle down in usa...with a green card you can ... Read More

Uscitizen1986 replied to a thread
5 years ago

Permanent residency/funds by candicejob1

Hi All and South African's living in the US. My husband and I have a lifelong dream of moving to America, preferably New York and are looking to accomplish this dream over the next two years. We've also been doing some research from our ...


In order to get a green card has to be with your family or marriage.this process the person sponsor you (wife) or husband will spend a lot of money and not easy Read More

Uscitizen1986 replied to a thread
5 years ago

Moved to US and cannot find a decent job? by aratliff

This is what happened to me so that it can be a lesson for someone else. I am originally from Russia, moved here at the age of 29 so I already had 2 college degrees from my home country. When I would submit resumes to different places, I would ...


Some people dont understand usa laws... of you have a degree in your country and went to university, and you move to usa, that does not means they will accept your degree here in usa, you have to start your carreer all over again Read More

Uscitizen1986 replied to a thread
5 years ago


What might seem a very small insignificant piece of paper when you first emigrate to your new home in USA is the tiny white piece of paper that gets stamped as you walk through immigration on your way to your American dream... It's called an I94 and ...


Yes immigration is about how much money you have and time consuming Read More