


American looking for information about Greece


3 posts

About me


Lives in Kastoriá, West Macedonia

Registration: 01 November 2019


AngeloKarras replied to a thread
5 years ago

Payment methods in Greece by Priscilla

Hello everyone, Once you’re settled in Greece, you will need to make some basic purchases, like groceries or pay bills. Hence, it is essential to know the payment methods available in your host country. Which are the most common payment ...


As far as shopping online, I went to Piraeus Bank, where I have an account, and got a prepaid Mastercard. I would put however much I wanted on it so I could make online purchases. I imagine it could be used to buy stuff from anywhere in the world, ... Read More

AngeloKarras replied to a thread
5 years ago

housing in Thessaloniki by wesley_33

Dear reader, I am a native dutch youngman looking for a house or appartment in Thessaloniki. Can anyone help me to find one? Im not sure where to look. Thanks in advance


Hi Wesley, I don't know if you're planning on buying or renting, but prices and rents were really high in Thessaloniki and Athens before the crisis. Now you can get something really good for much, much less than you could before. You're looking ... Read More