


German citizen

Forum posts




About me


Lives in Duisburg

Speaks German, English, French, Italian, Spanish

Registration: 02 February 2020


AstridG1702 created a thread
last year

Cycling classes for adults

I think this might be interesting for those who haven't had the chance to learn how to ride a bike in their youth or have not done it for a very long time and are now scared or just to live in rural areas and are scared to cycle in cities: ADFC, a ... Read More

AstridG1702 replied to a thread
5 years ago

International gathering in Berlin - March 3 by Marine

Hy guys! Hope you're doing well. is back in Germany for a new event at Tastavin, a nice wine bar in Berlin. This will be a very special one since Matthieu, our ambassador in Germany, is organizing for you a belote tournament at the ...


Great idea, but unfortunately too far for me. I am in Duisburg. But one question: Can anyone organize an gathering or just an administrator? Read More

AstridG1702 replied to a thread
5 years ago

New members of the Germany forum, introduce yourselves here - 2020 by Julien

Hi all, Newbie on the Germany forum? Don't know how to start? This thread is for you ;) We invite you to introduce yourself on this topic, to share with us your expat story if you are already living in the country, or to tell us more on ...


I'm not sure, but maybe those websites can be useful to find an English language job in Germany: Read More

AstridG1702 replied to a thread
5 years ago

New members of the Germany forum, introduce yourselves here - 2020 by Julien

Hi all, Newbie on the Germany forum? Don't know how to start? This thread is for you ;) We invite you to introduce yourself on this topic, to share with us your expat story if you are already living in the country, or to tell us more on ...


Hi, I'm Astrid from Duisburg and I'm here because I am interested in languages and in meeting people from all over the globe. I'd like to do my best to help you get settled in my country and city. So if you are in Duisburg, ... Read More

AstridG1702 replied to a thread
5 years ago

Finding a job in Germany by beppi

Many foreigners come to this forum, or to Germany, with unrealistic expectations about how easy it is to find a job. To help those people, I will post my recent experience here: Over a five months period, I sent out over 50 (individualised and ...


I recently came across this page and thought it might be helpful for those who are looking for a job in Germany: Read More

AstridG1702 replied to a thread
5 years ago

Bilingual or English speaking kindergarden by astoelli

Hello, we may be moving to Duesseldorf soon, as our childrech (3,5 and 1 year) are bilingual I was hoping someone could give me a hint where there are bilingual or English speaking kindergardens in or around Duesseldorf! Thanks so much, Anita


Hello, we may be moving to Duesseldorf soon, as our childrech (3,5 and 1 year) are bilingual I was hoping someone could give me a hint where there are bilingual or English speaking kindergardens in or around Duesseldorf! Thanks so much, AnitaThis is ... Read More

AstridG1702 replied to a thread
5 years ago

Bilingual or English speaking kindergarden by astoelli

Hello, we may be moving to Duesseldorf soon, as our childrech (3,5 and 1 year) are bilingual I was hoping someone could give me a hint where there are bilingual or English speaking kindergardens in or around Duesseldorf! Thanks so much, Anita


You are right, Tom, but I visited them once with 2 kids of friends of mine when they had an open day and saw that children from all over the world went to kindergarten there. Read More

AstridG1702 replied to a thread
5 years ago

Bilingual or English speaking kindergarden by astoelli

Hello, we may be moving to Duesseldorf soon, as our childrech (3,5 and 1 year) are bilingual I was hoping someone could give me a hint where there are bilingual or English speaking kindergardens in or around Duesseldorf! Thanks so much, Anita


Yes, I know a bilingual kindergarten: Read More

AstridG1702 replied to a thread
5 years ago

Expat blog gathering in Duisburg ( or Ruhr area in general ) by AstridG1702

Hi, does anyone of you live in Duisburg, maybe even in the district Neudorf, or nearby ( Essen, Mülheim, Oberhausen...? ) Why not organize an expat blog get-together? A short introduction of myself: I live in Duisburg-Neudorf with my partner ...


Thanks, Helene, that is very kind of you. I want to make it as simple as possible: First I'd like to wait until I get a couple of positive replies, and then find a place where we can meet and fix a date and time and post it as an event. If we do ... Read More

AstridG1702 created a thread
5 years ago

Expat blog gathering in Duisburg ( or Ruhr area in general )

Hi, does anyone of you live in Duisburg, maybe even in the district Neudorf, or nearby ( Essen, Mülheim, Oberhausen...? ) Why not organize an expat blog get-together? A short introduction of myself: I live in Duisburg-Neudorf with my partner ... Read More

AstridG1702 replied to a thread
5 years ago

Places to visit in Essen by Julie

Hi, For the ones living in Essen, what would you suggest to discover the region? When you have friends or family visiting you, where do you go with them? What are the must-see places in Essen, the tourist sites? How to visit the region in ...


I would suggest to visit: - Zeche Zollverein - Baldeneysee - Rüttenscheid - Landscape Park Duisburg - Six Lakes Area Duisburg Read More

AstridG1702 replied to a thread
5 years ago

Things to do in Essen during the weekends by Christine

Hi, What do you usually do on your weekends in Essen? Are there any places to visit, any activities, any events or festivals regularly organized you would like to recommend? What are your top tips for the weekend in Essen? Thank you in ...


If you like to go for a walk, go to the Baldeneysee. it is very beautiful. And if you are interested in industrial culture and the history of that area, go to Zeche Zollverein. Here in Ruhr area all cities are close together, so you can also ... Read More

AstridG1702 replied to a thread
5 years ago

Adopting a pet in Germany by Loïc

Hello, Are you a dog or a cat person? A pet can add life to a home and make an ideal travel companion during your expatriation in Germany. However, formalities or regulations might put you off traveling with your pet making adoption a better ...


I have 2 cats and one of them is adopted. Furthermore, I have friends who founded an animal welfare group taking care of strays in Romania and finding homes for them in Germany. So I know a bit about the topic. First, you have to decide: Do you ... Read More

AstridG1702 replied to a thread
5 years ago

Looking for a German School in Dusseldorf by lagarcia7

Hi, i am colombian looking to move to Dusseldorf next year (2017) so i´m interested to find a good but not expensive school. So if someone know a a German School that can recommend, i will very please. Thanks, LAGR


My first choice would also be Volkshochschule. Second choice is a school in Duisburg, but within easy reach from Duesseldorf: They have affordable prices and the courses have a good quality. Read More

AstridG1702 created a thread
5 years ago


Dear forum members, you might wonder what I am doing on this forum although I never lived outside of my country Germany, just moved within Germany ( from Bad Kreuznach to Cologne from Cologne to Duisburg ). Well, I think that as a local I might be ... Read More