

Active member

American looking for information about Dominican Republic

Forum posts




About me


Lives in Cabarete, Puerto Plata

Speaks English Spanish

Registration: 20 July 2020


snowinpalm replied to a thread
last year
L Alan Williams

Forming LLC Company in the DR by L Alan Williams

I'm looking for a recommendation legal company that can form an LLC company for me within the DR for real estate purposes. Thank you


In what area of the country? Read More

snowinpalm replied to a thread
last year

Citizenship of the Dominican Republic or just resident by emetz55

What are the advantages of becoming a citizen of the Dominican Republic instead of just a resident.


My wife (non-resident, US Citizen) has SENANSA. Quite inexpensive ($50 a month). I (US Citizen over 70) tried to get it and they took an application. Was rejected for some unknown reason after the labs and filing the application. Do have medical ... Read More

snowinpalm replied to a thread
last year

Fresh cranberries? by colmcb

Do any of the stores sell bags of fresh cranberries? They usually start appearing in the stores in the U.S. right around this time. Just wondering. For Thanksgiving?


Sirena has fresh Read More

snowinpalm replied to a thread
last year

Starlink Internet in the Dominican Republic Update … by Ian1272

Great news for those with poor internet service/provider for all that reside in the Dominican Republic.


What is the cost now in the DR for the unit and how much a month for the basic package? Read More

snowinpalm replied to a thread
last year

New members of the Dominican Republic forum, introduce yourselves here - 2023 by Julien

Hi all, Newbie on the Dominican Republic forum? Don't know how to start? This thread is for you ;) We invite you to introduce yourself on this topic, to share with us your expat story if you are already living in the country, or to tell us more ...


Are you coming by boat and need dockage? Read More

snowinpalm replied to a thread
last year

Security System Installation by DRCulture

Hi Everyone,I am looking for some suggestions of who could install security cameras for me. I have Blink and Nest cameras, but I am not committed to using them if there is a better suggestion from the person who would be doing the installation. In ...


I can speak to Blink camera systems - they are great and inexpensive. We use them 24 hours a day outside our home in Orlando and they are totally wireless. Just replace the lithium battery about once a year. We have them wired here (because we ... Read More

snowinpalm replied to a thread
last year
Mark Mclaurin

TRT in the DR by Mark Mclaurin

Help !!! I’m on testosterone replacement therapy and I have an American prescription for my cream but I need to get a refill here because I stayed longer than I thought I would- any ideas ???


Referencia Labs in many cities are great. If you have something like a doctor's order to give them it helps but is usually not essential. I have to watch a couple of results and have them draw regularly. Read More

snowinpalm replied to a thread
last year

Some questions about health insurance by wondering9

Hello again all. These are some pretty specific questions, but I'd like to float them here just in case someone might know the answers. Does anyone know ...... if it's possible for a 70-year-old, applying for the first time, to get any sort of ...


I'm 76 and applied to SENASA for their insurance. They required several blood labs, urinalysis and fecal analysis. Then there was a long application. The good news is that they accepted the application and fully processed it. My bad news was that ... Read More

snowinpalm replied to a thread
last year

Sea Shore Properties by ondami

Hola amigos!Although my partner and I are not moving to DR until about 2026, we are thinking of buying a condo as an investment property. Has anybody done this so far? We were thinking about Sea Shore Properties in Punta Cana.Gracias!


Yes. Several. I'll PM you. Read More

snowinpalm replied to a thread
last year

Traveling with dog by Jamiemelissa

Hi! We are moving end of July and I know I need to get my dog a Health Certificate within 30 days of travel. Am not sure which form?. I found several...and then I was reading on the DR embassy site that we need to get it certified by the state USDA ...


Not really. I have a certified service dog. We have lived in Cabarete and Samana (quite rural) and they don't seem to have any idea about service dogs (mascotas de ayuda) unless you really explain the concept to them. Stores resist letting mine in ... Read More

snowinpalm replied to a thread
last year

Dominican Republic Investment Guide-Retirees by aurincdisla

Here are some of the benefits to Foreign Investment Retirees in the Dominican Republic:Investment Residence Permit Program.Exemption from the payment of personal property taxes.Partial tax exemption on the import of vehicles. Tax exemption on ...


It's on Amazon. Read More

snowinpalm replied to a thread
last year

Dominican Republic Investment Guide-Retirees by aurincdisla

Here are some of the benefits to Foreign Investment Retirees in the Dominican Republic:Investment Residence Permit Program.Exemption from the payment of personal property taxes.Partial tax exemption on the import of vehicles. Tax exemption on ...


@aurincdisla Hi! Do you have references/citations to the laws you mentioned? Read More

snowinpalm replied to a thread
last year

US State Dept. re-issued warning by brodies2013

For the people who have been there for a while now. Is there anything noticeably different in DR in terms of crime lately? Or is this an atempt to scare people to vacation domestically?? 🤪I can say there are WAY more gringos in our area than ...


In 3 years here, I have not seen nor heard of one example of "armed robbery, homicide or sexual assault" of tourists either in the North Coast or Santo Domingo. It might be occurring, but I would think we'd see reports in the major newspapers or ... Read More

snowinpalm replied to a thread
last year

US State Dept. re-issued warning by brodies2013

For the people who have been there for a while now. Is there anything noticeably different in DR in terms of crime lately? Or is this an atempt to scare people to vacation domestically?? 🤪I can say there are WAY more gringos in our area than ...


In 3 years here, I have not seen nor heard of one example of "armed robbery, homicide or sexual assault" of tourists either in the North Coast or Santo Domingo. It might be occurring, but I would think we'd see reports in the major newspapers or ... Read More

snowinpalm replied to a thread
last year

Mail Forwarding companies? by crabelramble

I'm looking for current info on mail-forwarding companies and a primer on what needs to be done to use them. I've searched but came up empty. Is there already a topic that has that info?


Which ones do NOT round up? Read More