Italian looking for information about Brazil
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Naples
Speaks Italian, English
Registration: 20 August 2011

Working as chemical engineering technician undergratuated in Brasil by salvio
Hi! I'd like to know, if anyone from Brazil can help me, if in Brazil is chemical industry is developed? I've got many years of experience in foody and textile Industries, and now I'm attend a course about tanning leather. I've worked also as ...

Ok. I was only kidding, I hope you weren't upset about. I know you're trying to help me and I can only tell you thanks again. Please believe me I was only kidding. Thnaks for the link, I'm going to read in there. Cheers. Salvatore Esposito Read More

Working as chemical engineering technician undergratuated in Brasil by salvio
Hi! I'd like to know, if anyone from Brazil can help me, if in Brazil is chemical industry is developed? I've got many years of experience in foody and textile Industries, and now I'm attend a course about tanning leather. I've worked also as ...

Strange, another Italian told me that there were no problem about his Diploma that is the same as me. Theirs Diploma were recognized. And The guy on LinkedIn become and Enegeenier as you can see. Fortunately you don't work at the Ministry of ... Read More

Working as chemical engineering technician undergratuated in Brasil by salvio
Hi! I'd like to know, if anyone from Brazil can help me, if in Brazil is chemical industry is developed? I've got many years of experience in foody and textile Industries, and now I'm attend a course about tanning leather. I've worked also as ...

Thanks for your answers! I've found this: http://br.linkedin.com/pub/alessandro-grandi/25/a37/ab1 In Formação acadêmica I can read a sort of equivalence but I can't understand in Brasilian what this guy is. In Italy He has the same title as me. ... Read More

Working as chemical engineering technician undergratuated in Brasil by salvio
Hi! I'd like to know, if anyone from Brazil can help me, if in Brazil is chemical industry is developed? I've got many years of experience in foody and textile Industries, and now I'm attend a course about tanning leather. I've worked also as ...

Yes I got that, but I mean: without this recognizing can't I work as a chemical engineering technician for a company in Brazil ? Thanks again... Read More

Working as chemical engineering technician undergratuated in Brasil by salvio
Hi! I'd like to know, if anyone from Brazil can help me, if in Brazil is chemical industry is developed? I've got many years of experience in foody and textile Industries, and now I'm attend a course about tanning leather. I've worked also as ...

Oh Thank you very much for answering. But I'm not gratuated. Anyway why should my Diploma be recognized my credentials? does it need that my accademic titles are validated to work in Brazil even if I have long career? Read More

Working as chemical engineering technician undergratuated in Brasil
Hi! I'd like to know, if anyone from Brazil can help me, if in Brazil is chemical industry is developed? I've got many years of experience in foody and textile Industries, and now I'm attend a course about tanning leather. I've worked also as ... Read More

New member from Italy by salvio
Hi! My name's Salvatore Esposito, a thirty-two-year-old man who hope a day leaving Italy forever, maybe working as chemical lab technician in one of these Countries: Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Sweden or Finland. I ...

Thanks for your reply. I think about Germany but I'm not sure, I know that in Netherlands and Scandinavian Countries speak english enough to live there the first span of time. After that I'll start to study native language. By the way, what do ... Read More

New member from Italy
Hi! My name's Salvatore Esposito, a thirty-two-year-old man who hope a day leaving Italy forever, maybe working as chemical lab technician in one of these Countries: Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Sweden or Finland. I ... Read More