


Lebanese expat in Iraq

Forum posts




About me


Lives in Baghdad, Mayorality of Baghdad

Speaks Arabic English Latin Coptic Sumerian

Registration: 17 February 2021


Zadaaziz replied to a thread
8 months ago

Moving from Europe to Iraq by davidpopovici33

Hello, I'm a romanian citizen that would like to move and live in baghdad. Is it possible for me to do it and if yes what are the steps ans what should I do to be able to live there. Thank you !


@davidpopovici33Hello!! Glad to see that you are making a brave good decision to join us. First thing you need to do is secure a good job. Best way to get one is via LinkedIn. Once you move here, a real estate agent can help you find suitable ... Read More

Zadaaziz replied to a thread
11 months ago
Ahmed Refaat16

Moving to Baghdad by Ahmed Refaat16

Hello all,I have been offered a job in a telecommunication company in Baghdad, I originally hail from Egypt and I'm currently thinking about it can someone shed some light on the day to day life there? I'll be moving alone without my family and the ...


@yellaHEARHi! Thanks for reaching out! It's great you're considering returning to Baghdad.Al Rasafa can be a vibrant and busy area. While safety is always a consideration in any city, Baghadad is generally a very safe city.For schools, Baghdad ... Read More

Zadaaziz replied to a thread
last year

How is Basra in Iraq for expats?pls advise by raguba

Hi I got job in oil&gas in Basra Iraq on/off job .Iam indian wan to know conditions there?safe to work there?Pls give your valuble advise and precations my email


@nabina18septGated societies?Refugees from Afghanistan?Even your questions are misinformed!! Good luck, you're going to need it. Read More

Zadaaziz replied to a thread
last year

How is Basra in Iraq for expats?pls advise by raguba

Hi I got job in oil&gas in Basra Iraq on/off job .Iam indian wan to know conditions there?safe to work there?Pls give your valuble advise and precations my email


Basra is like any other city. Read More

Zadaaziz replied to a thread
last year

Moving to Basra by hais25

I got an offer in Basra, is it safe to move there? What do you do in life besides work in Basra?


@hais25 its safe everywhere. Good luck Read More

Zadaaziz replied to a thread
last year
Ahmed Refaat16

Moving to Baghdad by Ahmed Refaat16

Hello all,I have been offered a job in a telecommunication company in Baghdad, I originally hail from Egypt and I'm currently thinking about it can someone shed some light on the day to day life there? I'll be moving alone without my family and the ...


@adebayoojomichael40Hello there! Well, the best way is through LinkedIn. You need to have a very strong profile and have a great CV. It is very straightforward. Just apply apply apply apply. Anything that looks applicable for you, apply for. Do not ... Read More

Zadaaziz replied to a thread
last year

Salary range by bukolamedeiros6

Is Baghdad safe to come and work,and how much is the pay in US dollars, minimum hours of work


@bukolamedeiros6It all depends on which city you want to live and work in, type of job you are looking for, your qualifications, and your nationality. Read More

Zadaaziz replied to a thread
last year
Ahmed Refaat16

Moving to Baghdad by Ahmed Refaat16

Hello all,I have been offered a job in a telecommunication company in Baghdad, I originally hail from Egypt and I'm currently thinking about it can someone shed some light on the day to day life there? I'll be moving alone without my family and the ...


@NoorHS they are 2. One on each side of Baghdad. Al Mansour and Zayyouna (not Zayyouna adjecent). Nothing else. Read More

Zadaaziz replied to a thread
last year

Life in Iraq (Southern and South Eastern region) by Alahakoon

I am from Sri Lanka. I am considering to accept an offer with a University in the Nasiriya region. Would like to know about the life in general, safety for foreigners, cost of living, monthly expenses for food, housing, electricity and water etc. ...


It is a very safe place to live in. Most of Iraq is safe. But its very very boring with absolutely nothing to do except sit in cafes and bad restaurants and smoke. Cost of living is low. Quality is low. You should have no problems at all. If the ... Read More

Zadaaziz replied to a thread
2 years ago
Ahmed Refaat16

Moving to Baghdad by Ahmed Refaat16

Hello all,I have been offered a job in a telecommunication company in Baghdad, I originally hail from Egypt and I'm currently thinking about it can someone shed some light on the day to day life there? I'll be moving alone without my family and the ...


As the Iraqis say: "تدلل" Read More

Zadaaziz replied to a thread
2 years ago
Ahmed Refaat16

Moving to Baghdad by Ahmed Refaat16

Hello all,I have been offered a job in a telecommunication company in Baghdad, I originally hail from Egypt and I'm currently thinking about it can someone shed some light on the day to day life there? I'll be moving alone without my family and the ...


Dear Ahmed, Laundry services are available and are clean and dependable, at least on my side of Baghdad. Iraq lacks entertainment, so food is the only outlet and the only thing people can enjoy. Sadly, although there are a lot of restaurants ... Read More

Zadaaziz replied to a thread
2 years ago
Ahmed Refaat16

Moving to Baghdad by Ahmed Refaat16

Hello all,I have been offered a job in a telecommunication company in Baghdad, I originally hail from Egypt and I'm currently thinking about it can someone shed some light on the day to day life there? I'll be moving alone without my family and the ...


Hello Ahmed, I just wanted to give you a heads-up that accommodation in Karada may not be of the highest standard. It's important to make sure you are comfortable with the place you will be staying before you settle in. Keep in mind that standards ... Read More

Zadaaziz replied to a thread
2 years ago
Ahmed Refaat16

Moving to Baghdad by Ahmed Refaat16

Hello all,I have been offered a job in a telecommunication company in Baghdad, I originally hail from Egypt and I'm currently thinking about it can someone shed some light on the day to day life there? I'll be moving alone without my family and the ...


@Ahmed Refaat16 Dear Ahmed, To be able to answer your question, you need to let us know where in Iraq you will be located. In general, Iraq is a nice safe place to live in. It is challenged in many ways such as infrastructure, entertainment, and ... Read More

Zadaaziz replied to a thread
4 years ago

Accommodation in Baghdad by Zadaaziz

Hello all, I received an offer for a job in Iraq, and I am supposed to move towards the end of March. I was supposed to move to Sulaimania and I was able to find suitable accommodations. But the company decided to base me in their head office in ...


Yes, I do speak Arabic. I am not worried about communications, I am worried about accommodations. Read More

Zadaaziz replied to a thread
4 years ago

Accommodation in Baghdad by Zadaaziz

Hello all, I received an offer for a job in Iraq, and I am supposed to move towards the end of March. I was supposed to move to Sulaimania and I was able to find suitable accommodations. But the company decided to base me in their head office in ...


Hello!! Well, the company is in a villa and they said that I will get the top floor of it. Yet I am worried that I arrive there and I do not like it at all. I was honest with them. I will be their most senior employee. I asked if they would be ... Read More