Kenyan citizen
2 posts
About me
Lives in Nairobi
Speaks Emglish, Swahili
Registration: 01 September 2011
Westlands to Girigiri (UN) by matatu by Laviosa
Hi expats I'll be in Nairobi from end of January for my internship at the UN. I would like to be going to the UN by matatu. Do you guys know which matatu I can take to the United Nations from Westlands? Greetings Lisa
Decided to yap a lot today Westlands gigiri by mat difficult direct. Best bet take mat to town then at the firestation tusky take a 118 matatu usually they say unep. From there you have a healthy walk to the un Campus. Read More
which kenyan beer tastes better,Tusker or Guiness? by Seble82
I've never taken beer before.I tried once some time back while i was abroad but didn't like it. I was wondering, with kenyan beer,which one should a newbie like me start with? I wish to taste and see if i'll like the taste of beer this time. So ...
Take a cold tusker. I am a kenyan who is a fan of both and i would recommend the lager over the bitter. Also guiness will tend to get you higher quicker and leave your body gtudgingly Read More