


American expat in Panama

Forum posts


About me


Lives in near Las Tablas

Registration: 08 September 2011


holadebeto replied to a thread
13 years ago

Shipping Restrictions to Panama by kfmellis

Hi, Does anyone know if I can ship to Panama: kitchen spices and herbs in bottles spaghetti and other uncooked pasta small house batteries vinegars sugar and flour canned goods like soup, tuna fish, etc. condiments like mustard, mayo, ...


Hi Kathy, As long as you are bringing in preserved/dried foods, there is no problem. Here is an easy table to determine customs for other newly purchased stuff. Look under ... Read More

holadebeto replied to a thread
13 years ago

Hello From Panama! by TheGasman

Just wanted to give a little info and say howdy to everybody. I've been married to a Panamanian lady for 20 years now and we've been living in the states but I've recently went through all the disability stuff in the states. So after a year and a ...


Hello and welcome back to paradise! Just a note about licenses - the last time we got our licenses (due again this year) we had to take a hearing test as well as an eye test. I don't know what the standards are and I didn't hear some of the ... Read More

holadebeto replied to a thread
13 years ago

ATM s in Panama by David1946

Hi my name is David and i live in East texas USA and i would like to know if my ATM cards will work in Panama because i am thinking of visiting there in the future. Thanks: ...


That's right, Kathy, We've been using my cards from our US credit union and after ten years have used many ATM's from many banks, and have not had a problem. I think that's why they charge $3 each withdrawal, to cover the expenses of the ATM's? You ... Read More

holadebeto replied to a thread
13 years ago

ATM s in Panama by David1946

Hi my name is David and i live in East texas USA and i would like to know if my ATM cards will work in Panama because i am thinking of visiting there in the future. Thanks: ...


The Gasman, Make sure to ask the HSBC here in Panama if you can access your account and transfer money to/from your US account. There used to be some restrictions - it was as if the two HSBC's were different banks in some ways. There have been some ... Read More

holadebeto replied to a thread
13 years ago

ATM s in Panama by David1946

Hi my name is David and i live in East texas USA and i would like to know if my ATM cards will work in Panama because i am thinking of visiting there in the future. Thanks: ...


yes, our bank does also, but there is more....there is also a $3 charge added to your withdrawal of funds from an ATM in Panama. I believe it's a government thing. Our credit union reimburses our atm fees imposed by our bank by using a no paper ... Read More

holadebeto replied to a thread
13 years ago

Is it really a lot cheaper living there? by holadebeto

This is a very complicated question, because it depends on so many things. I am assuming that you are using the US as a reference. Everything that includes a significant amount of labor involved is cheaper. For example, Panamanians get around ...


What I was referring to was comparing a house in, say, rural Missouri or Michigan with a house in rural Panama. Here,the price of a 3 bedroom common ranch style anywhere from about $120,000 more or less. Beachfront houses here rarely have titles, ... Read More

holadebeto created a thread
13 years ago

Is it really a lot cheaper living there?

This is a very complicated question, because it depends on so many things. I am assuming that you are using the US as a reference. Everything that includes a significant amount of labor involved is cheaper. For example, Panamanians get around ... Read More

holadebeto replied to a thread
13 years ago

Christmas events in Panama? by CMichael

Hey everybody, I'm always looking for new things to do for the holidays. Last year we just stayed home. So...this year I'm wondering what others are doing for the holidays here in Panama. I know that in Casco Viejo they're having a new ...


I think that this should be under a different subject, so I'll start a new thread.... Read More

holadebeto replied to a thread
13 years ago

Christmas events in Panama? by CMichael

Hey everybody, I'm always looking for new things to do for the holidays. Last year we just stayed home. So...this year I'm wondering what others are doing for the holidays here in Panama. I know that in Casco Viejo they're having a new ...


Actually, we are originally from California and so it's difficult to say that these are mountains - they are actually good sized hills, just south of Las Tablas, Los Santos. The hills are about 2000 feet or so. The hill we live on doesn't have a ... Read More

holadebeto replied to a thread
13 years ago

ATM s in Panama by David1946

Hi my name is David and i live in East texas USA and i would like to know if my ATM cards will work in Panama because i am thinking of visiting there in the future. Thanks: ...


Yep, we've been using our cards from the USA since 2001 - haven't ever had any problems. Just be careful like you would anywhere. Read More

holadebeto replied to a thread
13 years ago
rok alwar

suplementary health insurance by rok alwar

Any supplementary health insurance in PTY?? I have Tricare and soon will get Medicare (not accepted in pty) Please advise...ra


Not from Cuba ??? Where'd you get that? I'm from California - I moved to Panama about 10 years ago - haven't been back.:) Read More

holadebeto replied to a thread
13 years ago
rok alwar

suplementary health insurance by rok alwar

Any supplementary health insurance in PTY?? I have Tricare and soon will get Medicare (not accepted in pty) Please advise...ra


At 65, Tricare becomes your supplementary to Medicare, but you first must have registered and have received part B medicare. You will then file your claims as usual to Tricare and they will forward them on to medicare to get paid first. You won't be ... Read More

holadebeto replied to a thread
13 years ago

Christmas events in Panama? by CMichael

Hey everybody, I'm always looking for new things to do for the holidays. Last year we just stayed home. So...this year I'm wondering what others are doing for the holidays here in Panama. I know that in Casco Viejo they're having a new ...


We live in the mountains in a very small community (15 kids), so it is a bit like a normal day except a little more laid back, no cutting rice, not much work, but there is a really nice Christmas party for the kids. Everybody participates with ... Read More

holadebeto replied to a thread
13 years ago

Immigration lawyer by k1313

Looking for a reputable, honest & reasonable immigration lawyer in Boquete or David to help with all the legalities of becoming a Pensionado. Unfortunately needs to be English speaking since we do not yet have any proficiency in Spanish.


All of the good immigration lawyers that I have met speak English very well. My suggestion is to wait until you get to Panama and then ask a few gringos for a reference. The good ones stand out. Some of those with web pages are good, but the costs ... Read More

holadebeto replied to a thread
13 years ago


Going to panama would like to know were all the Canadians are,any especial pub or tourist area.


The Maple Leaf is falling all over Panama it seems. :) In Los Santos province, there are quite a few Canadians in Pedasi (as well as French (not Canadian)and surrounding area. There's a few also in Las Tablas area. Don't know about the rest of ... Read More