@MH A Zey
Filipino expat in Saudi Arabia
22 posts
About me
Registration: 20 April 2021
Job transfer after final exit without leaving the kingdom by MH A Zey
I just want some clarification. Can I still transfer to a new employer even if i get a final exit visa from my current employer without going back to my home country? It is very difficult to apply now from my home country due to pandemic
Can you help me do it please? I already have exit paper but I filed a labor case against my employer Read More
Job transfer after final exit without leaving the kingdom by MH A Zey
I just want some clarification. Can I still transfer to a new employer even if i get a final exit visa from my current employer without going back to my home country? It is very difficult to apply now from my home country due to pandemic
How did you go about the labor case brother? . I filed in maktab amal and the i was let to najiz. Read More
Unfair 3 year Ban from Sponsor by Hollylouise
Dear saudi expat I was given a 3 year ban until 2nd January 2022 Noone could help me tackle this problem as I had all evidence of an unfair ban. Is there anyone who has had a similar experience & how can we make sure this dosent happem again. I ...
How did you know you are banned from entering the kingdom? Read More
MOH complaint, need legal advise by MH A Zey
My employer is saying that there is a complaint in MOH filed against me and he does not allow me to go to work for almost 3 weeks now, i can not even go out to buy food because he said he will put a huroob case if i do. Is there a way I can check on ...
I already did try to ask our HR/ nursing directress but she does not give me a copy of the case. I also called MOH hotline but they are not helpful at all. I badly need help Read More
MOH complaint, need legal advise by MH A Zey
My employer is saying that there is a complaint in MOH filed against me and he does not allow me to go to work for almost 3 weeks now, i can not even go out to buy food because he said he will put a huroob case if i do. Is there a way I can check on ...
Which section in absher is that? I can not find it Read More
MOH complaint, need legal advise by MH A Zey
My employer is saying that there is a complaint in MOH filed against me and he does not allow me to go to work for almost 3 weeks now, i can not even go out to buy food because he said he will put a huroob case if i do. Is there a way I can check on ...
How doe qiwa work? Read More
MOH complaint, need legal advise by MH A Zey
My employer is saying that there is a complaint in MOH filed against me and he does not allow me to go to work for almost 3 weeks now, i can not even go out to buy food because he said he will put a huroob case if i do. Is there a way I can check on ...
How could I go back to work if there is no scheduled work for me. Since they relieved me from work, i did not hear any update. Read More
MOH complaint, need legal advise by MH A Zey
My employer is saying that there is a complaint in MOH filed against me and he does not allow me to go to work for almost 3 weeks now, i can not even go out to buy food because he said he will put a huroob case if i do. Is there a way I can check on ...
Feom the time they told me there is a complaint against me, MOH never called me nor was given a copy of that "complaint or case". That is why I am so confused. Read More
MOH complaint, need legal advise by MH A Zey
My employer is saying that there is a complaint in MOH filed against me and he does not allow me to go to work for almost 3 weeks now, i can not even go out to buy food because he said he will put a huroob case if i do. Is there a way I can check on ...
Since april 13 he never allowed me to go out. How could I go out. Is there a law that can justify me if ever I will go out without asking permission? Read More
MOH complaint, need legal advise by MH A Zey
My employer is saying that there is a complaint in MOH filed against me and he does not allow me to go to work for almost 3 weeks now, i can not even go out to buy food because he said he will put a huroob case if i do. Is there a way I can check on ...
Previously when we go out we always ask permission. But now he does not even allow me to go out to buy food. I badly need assistance Read More
MOH complaint, need legal advise by MH A Zey
My employer is saying that there is a complaint in MOH filed against me and he does not allow me to go to work for almost 3 weeks now, i can not even go out to buy food because he said he will put a huroob case if i do. Is there a way I can check on ...
I work in a private health facility. I can't even buy my stuff. Our boss does not even allow me. Is this thing legal? Because he said if I go out, he will report me as missing. Read More
Job transfer after final exit without leaving the kingdom by MH A Zey
I just want some clarification. Can I still transfer to a new employer even if i get a final exit visa from my current employer without going back to my home country? It is very difficult to apply now from my home country due to pandemic
How was it done? Please tell us Read More
Free Legal Advise from a Licensed Attorney by Yossef11
Dear Sir/Madam,First of all, I am Saudi Arabian and I am working as a lawyer here in Riyadh and I handle cases within labor court criminal courts, etc. Second of all, Since I am member of this site, I want to provide free legal advise this week ...
My boss does not allow me to go anywhere since that said complaint. I've been stuck in our accommodation for more than a month now. How could I go to MOH personally. Read More
Free Legal Advise from a Licensed Attorney by Yossef11
Dear Sir/Madam,First of all, I am Saudi Arabian and I am working as a lawyer here in Riyadh and I handle cases within labor court criminal courts, etc. Second of all, Since I am member of this site, I want to provide free legal advise this week ...
Good day! I just need your advice/ assistance regarding the situation i am facing. It has been a month since my employer relieved me from my duty without any memo or letter signed. They were telling me that there was a complaint against me in MOH. I ... Read More
MOH complaint, need legal advise by MH A Zey
My employer is saying that there is a complaint in MOH filed against me and he does not allow me to go to work for almost 3 weeks now, i can not even go out to buy food because he said he will put a huroob case if i do. Is there a way I can check on ...
My boss is saying that the father of my previous patient filed a complaint against me in MOH. but i did not get any call or paper from MOH. i kept on waiting for any update but nothing. It is already almost 1 month of not working. Read More