American looking for information about Malaysia
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Registration: 27 April 2021

A million sugar mummy adverts by Fred
First off - they're spammers that do nothing but damage the forum, but it's much worseThere are several problems:The ones that are simply prostitutes are most likely disease infested - If you want your bits to go green and fall off, call themIt gets ...

Thanks. Sorry to bust your chops. For a minute there it was a rain of nasty spam like I've never seen. I'm in the US so I don't get a holiday either lol Read More

A million sugar mummy adverts by Fred
First off - they're spammers that do nothing but damage the forum, but it's much worseThere are several problems:The ones that are simply prostitutes are most likely disease infested - If you want your bits to go green and fall off, call themIt gets ...

Wher the hell are the moderators? On holiday? Read More

Football / Soccer in Kuala Lumpur KL by Ahmad Ramadan
Hello,I'm moving to KL in June 2022 and I would like to get regular football in my schedule, any teams or games that i can play or join in?(5 a side, 7 a side, 11 a side, Futsal)I'm keen to play!

On a similar topic, any rugby happening near KK or Kuching, especially Touch? Read More

Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) by Hansson
The Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) Visa was initially introduced as a Retirement Visa for foreigners interested in moving to and settling in Malaysia. Basically it is a 10 year Social Visit Pass with Multiple Entry that allows you to go and come as ...

So...uh...where you going to now? I want is to retire, grow old and to eventually keel over and die - all with an absolute minimum of fuss and worries. I turn 54 next month. What are your top spots? Read More

Malaysia Really Needs To Get Its Act Together by VWC
With everything that is going on with Malaysia's government and our beloved MM2H program, reports like this is not helping Malaysia one ...

How does Brunei have faster speeds than Malaysia? I think that's what the kids call a Fail. https://opengovasia.com/the-philippines-ranks-6th-in-asean-mobile-internet-speeds/ And yet they all seem better than Northern CA. LOL Read More

Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) by Hansson
The Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) Visa was initially introduced as a Retirement Visa for foreigners interested in moving to and settling in Malaysia. Basically it is a 10 year Social Visit Pass with Multiple Entry that allows you to go and come as ...

Andrew Henderson is also a pathological liar. When I met him and his wife (last year) he got drunk and spilled all of the beans. He doesn't have MM2H and they were renting an apartment (she's the one who even told me where they live)... He ... Read More

Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) by Hansson
The Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) Visa was initially introduced as a Retirement Visa for foreigners interested in moving to and settling in Malaysia. Basically it is a 10 year Social Visit Pass with Multiple Entry that allows you to go and come as ...

That guy is a promoter so of course he's not going to be critical of the changes. Did you see the comments section? Super wealthy people have not been coming to Malaysia. Why would they come now after raising the requirement by 300%-500% w/o ... Read More

Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) by Hansson
The Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) Visa was initially introduced as a Retirement Visa for foreigners interested in moving to and settling in Malaysia. Basically it is a 10 year Social Visit Pass with Multiple Entry that allows you to go and come as ...

If I was making a $10k/mo retirement I'm not sure Malaysia would be at the top of my list. However, if you watch Nomad Capitalist on youtube he is pitching Malaysia as a destination for 7/8 figure entrepreneurs frequently. He did not seem ... Read More

Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) by Hansson
The Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) Visa was initially introduced as a Retirement Visa for foreigners interested in moving to and settling in Malaysia. Basically it is a 10 year Social Visit Pass with Multiple Entry that allows you to go and come as ...

What are the alternatives available for MM2H elsewhere in the world?Panama pensionado visa. Portugal Read More

Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) by Hansson
The Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) Visa was initially introduced as a Retirement Visa for foreigners interested in moving to and settling in Malaysia. Basically it is a 10 year Social Visit Pass with Multiple Entry that allows you to go and come as ...

Well, for one I'm from the US, so I'm used to hostile and incompetent governments. So everything is CYA. I would never consider buying property I wasn't sure I could unload. Thus, I would never buy property there, unless I had so much ... Read More

Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) by Hansson
The Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) Visa was initially introduced as a Retirement Visa for foreigners interested in moving to and settling in Malaysia. Basically it is a 10 year Social Visit Pass with Multiple Entry that allows you to go and come as ...

Any word on the status of the Sarawak band Sabah programs? I was leaning towards them over the west Malaysia program anyway. Will they follow suit? Read More

Best cities for retirement in Malaysia by Bhavna
Hello everyone, An increasing amount of people want to spend their retirement abroad. Would you consider giving a few tips to those looking into Malaysia for their retirement? What are the most attractive cities for retirees in ...

This was written 15 years ago, have things improved since then? https://www.mysabah.com/wordpress/6-things-you-must-have-in-sabah/ Read More

Best cities for retirement in Malaysia by Bhavna
Hello everyone, An increasing amount of people want to spend their retirement abroad. Would you consider giving a few tips to those looking into Malaysia for their retirement? What are the most attractive cities for retirees in ...

Thanks! Read More

Best cities for retirement in Malaysia by Bhavna
Hello everyone, An increasing amount of people want to spend their retirement abroad. Would you consider giving a few tips to those looking into Malaysia for their retirement? What are the most attractive cities for retirees in ...

Thanks! Well, if one were to go for the Sarawak MM2H how long coud they "visit" in Saba at a time and how long before the needed to come back? My understanding currently is you only have to spend a few weeks in Sarawak, so then would ... Read More

Retirement to Malaysia in four years from now by ericmann5
I want to know about what I can do to prepare myself financially to retire in Malaysia; it would be very much appreciated by me to also hear from people who are living in Malaysia as expats.

I agree, I have a friend in KL but that won't work, has to be from Sarawak as far as I can tell. And apparently you cant use agents for that. Read More