French expat in Morocco
43 posts
About me
Registration: 04 May 2021
What struck you about Morocco? by Cheryl
Hello everybody, When you first settled in Morocco, you might have been struck by cultural aspects of life in Morocco and you might even have anecdotes about your integration here. We would like you to share with expats-to-be what you discovered ...
Pays de contrastes et de paradoxes , la corruption n’est que la conséquence de la pauvreté.le Maroc est un beau pays et on peut y vivre dès lors que l’on a intégré ses codes et sa culture , cela peut être ... Read More
Is every morrocan man scam online by viferas
Hi I met this guy through a game (where you play in teams with random people, and communicate), and we played together a few times for a week, obviously talking a bit while playing before he asked for my social media. We started talking a lot, and ...
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