Indian expat in Saudi Arabia
3 posts
About me
Registration: 20 August 2021
Job transfer after final exit without leaving the kingdom by MH A Zey
I just want some clarification. Can I still transfer to a new employer even if i get a final exit visa from my current employer without going back to my home country? It is very difficult to apply now from my home country due to pandemic
How can i stop my exit because i want to transfer to another sponcer after one month is it possible Read More
Job transfer after final exit without leaving the kingdom by MH A Zey
I just want some clarification. Can I still transfer to a new employer even if i get a final exit visa from my current employer without going back to my home country? It is very difficult to apply now from my home country due to pandemic
How can i cancel exit and transfer to an other sponcer Read More
Job transfer after final exit without leaving the kingdom by MH A Zey
I just want some clarification. Can I still transfer to a new employer even if i get a final exit visa from my current employer without going back to my home country? It is very difficult to apply now from my home country due to pandemic
How can i cancel exit and transfer to an other sponcer Read More