American expat in Spain
2 posts
About me
Registration: 22 October 2021
Banking in Spain by Colby G
Howdy I am an American Expat - currently living in Spain. I am hoping you can help me. I have been living here for 3 months and I am applying for a student visa currently. I am trying to find a way open a bank account in Spain because my ...
I obtained an account with Santander by personally visiting a branch in Madrid. I pay no fees, but I keep a reasonable balance (don't remember what the lowest balance for no-fee might be). I occasionally transfer funds from US financial firms and my ... Read More
How to exchange money for buying a house in Spain? by zurlita
Hi Everybody,Next summer I plan to move to Spain and eventually to buy an apartment in Malaga, after I will probably rent for about an year. Currently I live in the US and have all money in dollars, in the US banks.I can't predict the exchange rate ...
I transferred €425,000 to Santander Bank in Spain to purchase a flat in Madrid (back when the exchange rate was €1 = $1.14 -- ugh). The first step was establishing a Spanish bank account, which didn't (and I assume still doesn't) require ... Read More