


Canadian expat in Egypt

Forum posts




About me


Lives in Cairo

Registration: 18 November 2011


ExpatEnglishTeacher replied to a thread
9 years ago

dalmatian dog still looking for a home by ExpatEnglishTeacher

I'm still looking for a home for my 3 year old dalmatian. Please check out the classifieds section. Thank you


I've actually found someone to adopt my Dalmatian. Thank you everyone for your interest. Read More

ExpatEnglishTeacher replied to a thread
9 years ago

dalmatian dog still looking for a home by ExpatEnglishTeacher

I'm still looking for a home for my 3 year old dalmatian. Please check out the classifieds section. Thank you


Adoption Read More

ExpatEnglishTeacher created a thread
9 years ago

dalmatian dog still looking for a home

I'm still looking for a home for my 3 year old dalmatian. Please check out the classifieds section. Thank you Read More

ExpatEnglishTeacher created a thread
9 years ago

Dalmatian dog looking for new home

I have a 2 year old dalmatian. I'm traveling this summer and am looking for a new home for him. He is an INDOOR dog. No offense to anyone but I prefer to give him to an expat. Thanks Read More

ExpatEnglishTeacher replied to a thread
10 years ago

sending mail to Canada? by ExpatEnglishTeacher

What is the cheapest reliable way to send mail to Canada? Just a simple piece of paper.


ok thanks and exactly where do I go to for that? ٍShould I go to the Egyptian post office or fed ex or what? Read More

ExpatEnglishTeacher created a thread
10 years ago

sending mail to Canada?

What is the cheapest reliable way to send mail to Canada? Just a simple piece of paper. Read More

ExpatEnglishTeacher replied to a thread
11 years ago

Looking for an apartment URGENTLY PLEASE! by mydream

Hi, I don't know if anyone can help me but I am desperately looking for a 2 or 3 bedroomed apartment , with an elevator and balcony in a nice, safe area of Cairo. It does not have to be an expat area but nice and safe. I can afford to pay around ...


Generally speaking in Egypt everything is catered to the rich from kids activities to cleanliness to clothing to absolutely everything. Expats usually pay more than 2,500 for rent. However like you mentioned there is places available for that ... Read More

ExpatEnglishTeacher replied to a thread
11 years ago

current situation by ROCKFIRE

I am a British expat and was wondering how expats are feeling about the current situation. I am living in Maadi and in two minds whether to stay or leave. thoughts???????? I think this thread can be used for advice and updates My advice is not ...


because it has showed some demonstrations which are pro Morsi, but in reality it was pro the army. also in Rabaa Aljezeera said that over 2000 citizens were killed and 1 hour later the number decreased to 300 which is logically impossible.AlJazeerah ... Read More

ExpatEnglishTeacher replied to a thread
11 years ago

current situation by ROCKFIRE

I am a British expat and was wondering how expats are feeling about the current situation. I am living in Maadi and in two minds whether to stay or leave. thoughts???????? I think this thread can be used for advice and updates My advice is not ...


Im not going to say AlJazeerah is great but watch OnTv, that's a joke too right? At least on AlJazeerah you can see pro military guests many times. Have you ever seen anything but a one sided story on OnTv or any Egyptian media? Please post one ... Read More

ExpatEnglishTeacher replied to a thread
11 years ago

Raw milk by NigarAG

Hi, Any idea where I can find raw milk in Cairo? Goat milk will be ideal, but cow will do as well. I do understand the hazards, but I'm going to boil the milk anyway. I have 7 months old baby boy and don't really want to buy him store-bought curd ...


I am neither scared nor afraid. But for something to use the tag organic there is alot involved. You can't just 'stick' the word onto the product and it is so! The animals must eb allowed to graze on pasture (!) - fed organically certified feed ... Read More

ExpatEnglishTeacher replied to a thread
11 years ago

Raw milk by NigarAG

Hi, Any idea where I can find raw milk in Cairo? Goat milk will be ideal, but cow will do as well. I do understand the hazards, but I'm going to boil the milk anyway. I have 7 months old baby boy and don't really want to buy him store-bought curd ...

ExpatEnglishTeacher’s-organic-food-seduces-west-and-egyptian-farmers Etc.... Read More

ExpatEnglishTeacher replied to a thread
11 years ago

Raw milk by NigarAG

Hi, Any idea where I can find raw milk in Cairo? Goat milk will be ideal, but cow will do as well. I do understand the hazards, but I'm going to boil the milk anyway. I have 7 months old baby boy and don't really want to buy him store-bought curd ...


It's amazing how humanity and society have become so dependent and trusting in authorities. We are made to believe tha the government and industries want the best for society and are here to protect us. We are automatically scared of something ... Read More

ExpatEnglishTeacher replied to a thread
11 years ago

How are black americans treated in Cairo Egypt? by kuhlknits

I am planning to move to Egypt in the fall for a new teaching job. I am concern if being a Black person from the states is an issue. Are Black Americans welcomed in the expat community? Also I need to find a hair salon that caters to black hair.


Words have different meanings when applied to different contexts,ex, if i told my friend afterhe said a joke grt out of here that means one thing but if i tell my friend after he punches me in the face get out of here those same words mean something ... Read More

ExpatEnglishTeacher replied to a thread
11 years ago

How are black americans treated in Cairo Egypt? by kuhlknits

I am planning to move to Egypt in the fall for a new teaching job. I am concern if being a Black person from the states is an issue. Are Black Americans welcomed in the expat community? Also I need to find a hair salon that caters to black hair.


Sorry I don't live in Alex As for the comment that there is no racism. I'm sorry to say but that's absolutely not true. If you just read the other posts here you can see how true it is. Rode the bus with a friend if myne from Canada ( he's black) ... Read More

ExpatEnglishTeacher replied to a thread
11 years ago

How are black americans treated in Cairo Egypt? by kuhlknits

I am planning to move to Egypt in the fall for a new teaching job. I am concern if being a Black person from the states is an issue. Are Black Americans welcomed in the expat community? Also I need to find a hair salon that caters to black hair.


Having heard the news in the states of the condition of Egypt, the last place I trust for news is in the U.S,... So I ask.....How are the conditions for living in Egypt today? Is it the war-torn country so frequently reported, or is this isolated ... Read More