Indian citizen
2 posts
About me
Lives in Chennai
Registration: 22 November 2011
bank account in India by HariAum
Hi all, I have only met dead ends when trying to open a bank accout in India since I have Canadian citizenship. It seems, I need a proof of permananent residence in India to acquire any utility services as well as bank account. This I.D. is based on ...
Bank accounts are the best way to store a persons savings in the safest possible way. Not only saving the money, banks also give option to its users to earn an amount of interest from the savings in their accounts. But there are certain documents ... Read More
Opening a bank account in India by Julien
Hi all, is it difficult for expats to open a bank account in India ? Which documents are required to open a bank account in India ? How long does it take to open it ? Is there any restriction for expats regarding the services (loans for ...
Following are the documents required to open bank account: One who is willing to open an account should submit a properly filled application. The customer should submit his/her identity proofs. The customer should also submit the address ... Read More