American looking for information about Ecuador
Forum posts
About me
Lives in St. Louis
Speaks English, a little Russian, a little Spanish
Registration: 23 November 2011

Gringos go home!!! No spanish, no stay!!! This will weed out. by Cuenca boy
New rules require Ecuador expats to be ‘proficient’ in Spanish; requirement affects current residents as well as new ones Published on March 28, 2015 by: CuencaHighLife |Comment In a dramatic policy change, Ecuador’s Ministry of ...

This was a really bad April fools joke. Please don't spread it any farther! Read More

The unofficial web page of the greater Cuenca expat community by Nards Barley
I designate this thread as the unofficial web page for the Cuenca Expat community. I also designate myself as the unoffical spokesperson. It is actually a continuation of my non-blog, but I wanted to elevate my status in the wake of the continued ...

Tough n ew animal protections passed last week. I don't know the specifics though Read More

The unofficial web page of the greater Cuenca expat community by Nards Barley
I designate this thread as the unofficial web page for the Cuenca Expat community. I also designate myself as the unoffical spokesperson. It is actually a continuation of my non-blog, but I wanted to elevate my status in the wake of the continued ...

SJpersonal says she loves to cook and has lots of cookbooks. I did too. Problem is that cooking at this altitude is a totally different animal! Cook books are helpful but a lot of experimentation is required. Read More

The unofficial web page of the greater Cuenca expat community by Nards Barley
I designate this thread as the unofficial web page for the Cuenca Expat community. I also designate myself as the unoffical spokesperson. It is actually a continuation of my non-blog, but I wanted to elevate my status in the wake of the continued ...

SJpersonal asked how long it took to get rid of a lifetime of stuff. I think I did it in about 6 months. I stll have my condo because the real estate market is the pits but everything except clothes, some art work and my pots and ... Read More

The unofficial web page of the greater Cuenca expat community by Nards Barley
I designate this thread as the unofficial web page for the Cuenca Expat community. I also designate myself as the unoffical spokesperson. It is actually a continuation of my non-blog, but I wanted to elevate my status in the wake of the continued ...

And for second breakfast? Read More

Questions before we start our three month visit on 11/24/2014 by wbcv867
Arriving Quito (from Myrtle Beach, SC area) - will spend one week there, then on to Cuenca for December into early Jan. Schedule is flexible after that but we will also visit Galapaos and Cotacachi while there. Need help with some immediate ...

ATM's are easily available in Cuenca and Quito. I pay cash for most things but have used a credit card at the SuperMaxi (grocery store) and in hotels and some restaurants without penalty. (My bank credit card does not have a transaction ... Read More

The unofficial web page of the greater Cuenca expat community by Nards Barley
I designate this thread as the unofficial web page for the Cuenca Expat community. I also designate myself as the unoffical spokesperson. It is actually a continuation of my non-blog, but I wanted to elevate my status in the wake of the continued ...

Joe said all was AOK after tax police left. Annoyed that they disrupted business but said there were no issues. Hope he meant it! y y Read More

The negatives about retiring in Ecuador by Bob Way
Please tell me all the negatives of retiring in Cuenca, Ecuador. What are the most important things I need to know. I don't speak Spanish, how much of a problem is that? I thank you in advance for your answers. Bob Way

I agree that the pollution from the buses is incredible. In Cuenca, locals and gringos alike cover their faces with scarves when buses go by. The buses are also fairly unsafe unless one is quick and nimble--gentle stops are unheard of and they ... Read More

seeking reliable lawyer by gloryking
I am trying to find reliable good lawyer for residency in Ecuador/Chile. I'd appreciate your help. Thanks! glory

Good luck to you. I am single female (widowed) and have experienced no issues in my short time here. I think one has to be aware of the surroundings wherever you live. At least every other person in Cuenca doesn't have a gun!! Read More

Club correos $42 tarriff by Howardofocal
Do I understand the new tarriff correctly? They are now going to add a $42 tarriff to each order above and beyond what they currently charge?

Sorry. My initial enrollment was with a groupon. The $5 price was for 6 months. My renewal information shows that your info is correct. Didn't mean to mislead. Read More

Recliners by Jacque Messer
I know this is wierd but we're thinking we might have to ship a container to Cuenca just because since my beloved had bypass surgery he cannot sleep in a bed. He has been sleeping in his LaziBoy for 2 years. Whenever we go on vacation the poor ...

I did not bring a container so can't comment on that. However saw a furniture store at Mall del Rio yesterday that had several styles of recliners. Wasn't looking for one so didn't inspect closely but they looked nice. Good luck with ... Read More

seeking reliable lawyer by gloryking
I am trying to find reliable good lawyer for residency in Ecuador/Chile. I'd appreciate your help. Thanks! glory

My attorney is Andrea Jaramillo . She has been great at guiding me through the process. She charges a flat fee. 50% up front and the rest when everything is completed. Andreajaramil64@hotmail.com Good luck! Cathie Read More

Club correos $42 tarriff by Howardofocal
Do I understand the new tarriff correctly? They are now going to add a $42 tarriff to each order above and beyond what they currently charge?

"fee is 12 times as high as club correos" I paid less than $5 for a mailbox for a year. They do have a $4 fee for mail you want forwarded (scanned) but you have a choice about each piece sent to you. I have found them to be prompt, ... Read More

Club correos $42 tarriff by Howardofocal
Do I understand the new tarriff correctly? They are now going to add a $42 tarriff to each order above and beyond what they currently charge?

Usglobalmail.com is based in Dallas, Texas and will receive mail and packages and scan the mail or consolidate packages for the least expensive shipping. Their fees are reasonable although i just got here 2 days ago and thus have not yet used ... Read More

The negatives about retiring in Ecuador by Bob Way
Please tell me all the negatives of retiring in Cuenca, Ecuador. What are the most important things I need to know. I don't speak Spanish, how much of a problem is that? I thank you in advance for your answers. Bob Way

I was recently given a new perspective on "Gringo Price Gouging" by an Ecuadorian who now lives in the U. S. The higher one is on the socioeconomic ladder, the more one is expected to pay. It is both a form of charitable giving and a ... Read More