

Active member

Bulgarian looking for information about Malta

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Lives in Plovdiv

Registration: 03 December 2011


Gosho1991 replied to a thread
9 years ago

Lots of Questions! EU non EU Spouse by Jasminej

Me- US Husband- UK Kids- US My husband and I are living in the US and considering moving to Malta in September. I have several questions. I'm not sure if it would be better for us to to file for residency or use the self sufficiency option. ...


Have you ever driven in Bulgaria?Have you seen a car flying infront of you with 150km/h on a street that's full of people(mostly children) and where 50km/h is considered to be very high speed?If that's nothing for the maltese standards then ... Read More

Gosho1991 replied to a thread
9 years ago

Lots of Questions! EU non EU Spouse by Jasminej

Me- US Husband- UK Kids- US My husband and I are living in the US and considering moving to Malta in September. I have several questions. I'm not sure if it would be better for us to to file for residency or use the self sufficiency option. ...


You guys make it sound like everyone there is driving with half eye opened...If it's so bad why are you living there?I keep reading things about Malta on this forum and day after day I begin to think that it's like I am going in the most ... Read More

Gosho1991 replied to a thread
9 years ago

Malta is very small, too small to adapt? by Mike44

This question often comes up when I’m chatting with people from all horizons, either types living here or having lived here for a while, some planning to come over or even others just curious and wondering. It would be interesting to get to ...


I am about to move to Malta(St. Julian's) in less than a month and recently I started wondering the same - is Malta too small for me?Personally I am a very lonely person, practically the only person I contact with is my wife and her friends so ... Read More

Gosho1991 replied to a thread
9 years ago

Tips for getting your first job in Malta by

Hi, What are your tips and advice for getting a first job in Malta? What are the job hunting steps to follow? Where to look for offers: newspapers, Internet, recruitment agencies, word-of-mouth? What are the top hiring sectors? What ...


Sorry for my mistake - 22 days a month.Also if you are renting a nice apartament(big one) I guess you are not going to be the only one working.So with the one's salary you pay the bills and with the other salary you pay food + fun.Now, if you ... Read More

Gosho1991 replied to a thread
9 years ago

Tips for getting your first job in Malta by

Hi, What are your tips and advice for getting a first job in Malta? What are the job hunting steps to follow? Where to look for offers: newspapers, Internet, recruitment agencies, word-of-mouth? What are the top hiring sectors? What ...


Damn, since when 6 euro per hour is a low wage?Check the standard of living in Malta then say 6 euro per hour is low wage.I've seen good and big apartaments going to for 700-800 euro per month, with a salary of 1200-1300 euro per month(6 euro ... Read More

Gosho1991 replied to a thread
9 years ago

EU Citizens e-residency process & Health Care info. by GuestPoster566

Please try to avoid making irrelevant comments or going off topic as this is intended for information, rather than discussion. Anything irrelevant clutters the thread and the purpose is lost. I am happy to answer any questions or go into more ...


. Also how many years do I need to live in Malta to be able to try to get maltese citizenship?5 years to be able to apply, but they wont give it to you - they will, however, sell it to you right away, for € 1,000,000 or soOk, enough with my ... Read More

Gosho1991 replied to a thread
9 years ago

EU Citizens e-residency process & Health Care info. by GuestPoster566

Please try to avoid making irrelevant comments or going off topic as this is intended for information, rather than discussion. Anything irrelevant clutters the thread and the purpose is lost. I am happy to answer any questions or go into more ...


Hi George, if your Bulgarian ID card is a valid travel document you can travel to Malta with the card. Otherwise no. Unless you marry a Maltese girl you cannot get Maltese citizenship and why would you even want it ? What is wrong with the ... Read More

Gosho1991 replied to a thread
9 years ago

EU Citizens e-residency process & Health Care info. by GuestPoster566

Please try to avoid making irrelevant comments or going off topic as this is intended for information, rather than discussion. Anything irrelevant clutters the thread and the purpose is lost. I am happy to answer any questions or go into more ...


Hello, as I don't have enough time I didn't have the opportunity to read all the comments on this page.I apologize if my question has already being asked but I have to ask for myself. I am an EU citizen and my international pasport has ... Read More

Gosho1991 replied to a thread
9 years ago

Flats for rent by yurijgnf

My partner and I are moving to malta in july and are looking for a long term let starting in august. Preferably two bedrooms and our budget is around €550 a month without bills. He will be working in st julians and i will (hopefully) be ...


Also I forgot to say that I booked the apartament from April so that's not in the tourism season.The owner was kind enough to make an exception for me and to keep the apartament empty until july.I really hope that's what it really was ... Read More

Gosho1991 replied to a thread
9 years ago

Flats for rent by yurijgnf

My partner and I are moving to malta in july and are looking for a long term let starting in august. Preferably two bedrooms and our budget is around €550 a month without bills. He will be working in st julians and i will (hopefully) be ...


The advertisement was on this forum.I saw it and contacted the owner.He/she said if I pay for 6 months in advance the rent will be lower(it was 400 first) and it included limited electricity and water bills, and wi-fi.The apartament is booked from ... Read More

Gosho1991 replied to a thread
9 years ago

Flats for rent by yurijgnf

My partner and I are moving to malta in july and are looking for a long term let starting in august. Preferably two bedrooms and our budget is around €550 a month without bills. He will be working in st julians and i will (hopefully) be ...


I think your best bet is to seek properties near the university of your coming in July as you will have no chance of getting anywhere near st Julian's of sliema for your budget in high season as a lot of people do short term lets ... It might ... Read More

Gosho1991 replied to a thread
9 years ago

Working in Malta by Steve1111151

Hello everybody, My name is Steve, and I am new to the forum. I am looking for a new challenge in life, and would dearly love to work and live in Malta. I have 17 years experience in the Educational and Training Sector, and have been to Malta 3 ...


I really don't understand why you guys are complaining.I've booked an apartament for 6 months for 350 euro per month with utilities included.For a single person I guess the food is going to be around 100-150 euro per month.Even with a salary ... Read More

Gosho1991 replied to a thread
9 years ago

homesick... by amej

hi all, We arrived 4 weeks ago and I started to feel a bit nostalgic. I had a big enthusiasm about leaving London and moving to a less hectic place... now startong to feel a bit weird and a bit sad. I moved here for a job and this dod not worked ...


Hello, I've moved 13 times in my life(from town to town, from country A to country B, etc..) and from my huge experience in moving once every less than 2 years I can say that it takes some time to get used to a new place.Just give yourself the ... Read More

Gosho1991 replied to a thread
9 years ago

Rent a car. by Gosho1991

Hello, I will be coming to Malta on 5th july(sunday) and I need a car to rent.Does anybody here know if there is such option at the airport or if some company works on sundays in Valletta?I've tried a few companies but they are all closed on ...


I think I will just take a taxi.First of all I am not used to a right wheel driving, second I don't know the way to my apartament and unfortunately my mobile operator doesn't offer international internet so I can't find it on myself, and ... Read More

Gosho1991 replied to a thread
9 years ago

Rent a car. by Gosho1991

Hello, I will be coming to Malta on 5th july(sunday) and I need a car to rent.Does anybody here know if there is such option at the airport or if some company works on sundays in Valletta?I've tried a few companies but they are all closed on ...


Ahh, okay.Thank you for the clarification. I am really thankful for all the information you guys gave me.I hope someday I can return the favour. Regards, George Read More