mrityunjay kumar21

mrityunjay kumar21


Indian expat in Oman


2 posts

About me


Registration: 12 March 2023


mrityunjay kumar21 replied to a thread
last year

How to complain in Ministry of Manpower by Jomarie

Hi everyone, Can somebody advice me on what to do? My company is always giving our salary very late, and by late it means almost a month after the cut off. I know it’s not that much late but most of my colleagues have families back home who ...

mrityunjay kumar21

Dear all I would like to share, my employer hold my 5 months he is not paying salary so what I have to do? In this case, anyone can suggest me. And also he is saying I will terminate you while my contract is 2 year until June 2024, if he terminate ... Read More

mrityunjay kumar21 replied to a thread
last year

Employer not paying/Holding Final settlement to employee! by km.imran

Dear All, I would like to share one of the situation of a friend of mine working in Oman. Recently he was terminated from his services and was asked to leave by end of this month.He is in the process of handover and clearance ,Today his manager has ...

mrityunjay kumar21

Dear all I would like to share, my employer hold my 5 months he is not paying salary so what I have to do? In this case, anyone can suggest me. And also he is saying I will terminate you while my contract is 2 year until June 2024, if he terminate ... Read More