Rachel Burgerhoff

@Rachel Burgerhoff


American expat in Portugal


2 posts

About me


Registration: 25 April 2023


Rachel Burgerhoff replied to a thread
last year

Letter of Application by UKMark

Hi, Does anyone have any advice on what type of thing to put in the personal statement about why you are moving to Portugal in the application for the D7? Thanks

Rachel Burgerhoff

Thank you for the advice.My husband and I live in Colorado, USA. We are applying for D2 Visas- migrants entrepreneurs-.We are both in our 30s and are close to purchasing a bed & breakfast in the Azores.We are anxious. This forum has been very ... Read More

Rachel Burgerhoff replied to a thread
last year

Letter of Application by UKMark

Hi, Does anyone have any advice on what type of thing to put in the personal statement about why you are moving to Portugal in the application for the D7? Thanks

Rachel Burgerhoff

@shelly14 I have a VFS appt for May 9th in San Francisco with my longtime partner... we are currently typing up our personal statements... How did your appointment go? Much like yourself, I am trying to hammer out all the details perfectly so there ... Read More